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Scout Honor Societies

Wolf tribe of Medawewin - Created in 1925 in the Ann Arbor, Michigan Council at their summer encampment, Camp Medawewin. The camp was at Patterson Lake which was where the University of Michigan held it's "fresh air camp" immediately before the scout encampment. "Twenty three scouts won the camp emblem and formed the Wolf tribe of Medawewin". Apparently the camp emblem (honor camper award) became the society emblem. Camp Newkirk, which is listed as starting in 1937 in the Camp Book, actually started in 1926 as a news article in 1928 states it is Newkirk's third season. I have an article from 1926 that says the camp will be at Medawewin again so there is some confusion within the articles unless there was two very small councils operating in that area and each had a camp going. The society under the Medawewin name probably only lasted until Newkirk started. A scouter who joined Munhacke OA 88 in 1937 said that he thought there was a "Tribe of Munhacke" before the OA started in 1936 at Camp Newkirk. Perhaps the Wolf Tribe became the "Wolf Tribe of Newkirk" when Newkirk opened or maybe it did become the Tribe of Munhacke. Still researching that info. Toledo Council hired the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti executive in 1919 (Paul Samson). Samson was credited with the greatest growth of the Tribe of Gimogash in the early 1920's. I am certain, although have no proof yet, that Gimogash was in operation in the Ann Arbor area in the teens and 1920's.

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