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Tribe of Tahoe -
Boy Scouts in the Sacramento Area
Council and later in the Golden Empire
Council enjoyed cool summers in the High
Sierra near Echo Summit at Camp
Audrain, which opened in 1925. During
the next summer, 1926, a Scout Honor Society,
called the “Tribe of Tahoe”, was
formed. Members of this honor society
fulfilled various requirements at camp and
earned titles such as “Brave”, “Warrior”,
“Medicine Man”, and “Chief”. Some of
the tribe’s ceremonies were “borrowed”
from the “Order of the Arrow”.
A Council camping brochure from
1929 stated that at Camp Audrain “Only
real Scouts who enter whole-heartedly into
the Scouting program and have a fine
Scout Spirit will be invited to join”. The
1932 camp brochure said, “Outstanding
Scouts are eligible to membership in the
‘Tribe of Tahoe’, a camp honor society ...
camp pins and belt awards will be given
for achievement in specific fields of en-deavor”.
Later camp pins and belt awards,
(none of which are known to exist today)
were replaced by beanies, in the 1930’s.

The tribe rank, beanie color, and re-quirements
are listed below:
- Brave (blue beanie)
- Good Scout
- Satisfactory camper
- Contributes to camp development
- Warrior (red beanie)
- Second season in Camp
- At least Second Class
- Good Scout
- Good camper
- Contributes to camp development
- Contributes to program’s success
- Medicine Man (gold beanie)
- Third season at Camp
- At least, First Class rank
- Contributes to program’s success
- Outstanding character
- Complete meditation
- Chief (white beanie)
- Fourth season in camp
- Eagle rank
- Honor camper
- Has character & leadership ability
Besides the four basic beanie colors,
variations exist in the screening of the lettering
and construction of the beanies.
Due to these factors, at least seven major
beanie variations exist.
The “Tribe of Tahoe” was
disbanded after the 1945 sum-mer
camp season, and replaced
in 1946, by the Mayi Lodge
#354, Order of the Arrow.
From: Journal of The American Scouting Historical Society, "The Tribes of the Golden Empire Council" by Alan O’Connor, No. 7, 1999. Text and images used by permission of the author.
Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby