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Order of the Arrow - Created in 1915 in the Philadelphia Council at Treasure Island Scout Camp. It was originally reported as "Wimachtendienks Tribe" then was known as "WWW" and eventually was called "Order of the Arrow". Through the years the program spread and displaced a number of other honor groups until it became the national program of the BSA. It's founder, E. Urner Goodman was the National Director of Program for the BSA from approximately 1931-1951 which coincided with the OA's greatest growth years. Between 1915 and 1931 there were 45 OA lodges chartered. By January,1953 almost 500 OA lodges had been chartered to the 537 scout councils in the nation. See "Wimachtendienks Tribe" for more information.
Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby