Scout Honor Societies

Tribe of Pahatsi - Created as a honor camper society in 1930 by Pop Warner at Camp Pahatsi in California, it still exists there. It also exists at Camp Winton in the same council (Golden Empire). It is a four year program, 1st year is Brave, 2nd year is Warrior, 3rd year is Medicine Man and 4th year is Chief. Pahatsi is a Maidu indian word meaning "Top of the Mountain". Complete information is located at: "

Tribe of Pahatsi The Tahoe Area Council also had a Scout Honor Society before “Order of the Arrow’s” Canaku Lodge. Organized in 1929, and called the “Tribe of Pahatsi”, it existed at Camp Pahatsi. There were four degrees a boy could earn: “Brave”, “Warrior”, “Medicine Man”, and “Chief”.

This tribe continued to function beyond 1955, when Canaku Lodge was formed and after the Tahoe Area Council merged with Golden Empire. In fact, the “Tribe of Pahatsi” still endures at its original camp.

Some of the Tribe’s memorabilia [is shown below]. The four arcs were sewn around the council patch in the 1950’s. The diamond shaped patch was used in the 1980’s. No other items are known to exist.

Tribe of Pahatsi
pahatsi.gif - 28537 Bytes

From: Journal of The American Scouting Historical Society, "The Tribes of the Golden Empire Council" by Alan O’Connor, No. 7, 1999. Text and images used by permission of the author.

Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby

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