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Red Feather - In 1928, the Wyo-Braska Area Council #325 camping committee started an honor camper organization at the council summer camps. The Indian theme was followed and the candidates were required to spend a day and a night alone to perform meaningful tasks and to survive as best they could. As a name of identification, the organization adopted a "Red Feather" as their totem, to be worn in the field hat. They called their organization the "Red Feather".
In 1949 the "Red Feather" joined the National Order of the Arrow and took as their lodge name "Wiyaka Luta", Sioux for "Red Feather". The active "Red Feather" members then became charter members of the of the Wiyaka Luta Lodge #403.
Information quoted from the Kola Lodge 464 history. It was originally provided to them by Lloyd Hasimoto.
Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby