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Previously we had advised that the three segments at the top of the patch were for the bronze, silver and gold levels of membership. We have been advised that these patch segments are not affiliated with the Knights of Yawgoog are are earned as part of the camp program - see below.
Knights of Yawgoog - Exists at Camp Yawgoog in the Narragansett Council in Rhode Island. See,
Thanks to Michael Brown for the above infomation. Tad Hall Scoutmaster Troop 33 West Trenton NJ, and a Knight of Yawgoog wrote with the following information:
Knights honors all adults who spend at least a week in camp w/their troop (or serving on Camp Staff). The "recognition" a potato hung around the neck is presented at Sunday Dress parade, and must be worn until the new "Knight" leaves camp. All Knights are invited back each year for a steak roast. The Knights of Yawgoog segment for the Yawgoog patch has a blue background and has a little sword on it. (Not pictured above)
Alanson Hall provided the following information:
Segments with the numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, are for years at Yawgoog. A "V" segment is given for veteran and of course 5. There now are year segments extending from V (Vertern/5 years) to 10 years. Segments have V-# (6-10) on them. The CY program requires Scouts to learn the History of Yawgoog, do a service project for the camp, be a certain rank, and participate in the camp program. There are bronze (shown below), gold and silver versions of the CY program. You can not earn more than one CY in any single year.
Scanned image courtesy of Michael F. Bowman:
A 1990's version of the Yawgoog patch is shown below with the bronze CY and 1 year segment.
Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby