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Vi et Consilio - Existed at Camp Meriwether for over 20 years in the Portland Area Council. The name came from the Meriwether Lewis crest and meant "by power and knowledge". The land was purchased by the Portland Area Council from the Chamberlain family. There was a patch as well as a pin. The patch was a felt cut out fir tree. The pin was a small
copper bar with the words on it. An engraved list of the recipients of the
award is on display in the Big Lodge at the camp.
Source: Phillip Misner, Webmaster, Camp Meriwether
Thanks to Michael Brown for the following info:
Looks like they are still using this as an award at camp
"Vi Et Consilio Award. This award is our way of showing adults and
Scouts every program that Camp Meriwether has to offer. The Vi Et Consilio Award may be earned by any Scout or leader new to Meriwether, regardless of their age. Scouts earning this award are recognized Saturday. There is a collector's pin available also. Meriwether is the only place you can earn this award."
Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby