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Tribe of Ahwanee - This camp program was based at Camp Ahwahnee in the North Orange County Council and was a camp conservation program with "ranks". Your first year there you could become a "Hunter" by providing 3 hours of conservation work during your week at camp. Second year you could become a "Warrior" with 6 hours of conservation work. The third year you could become a "Medicine Man" by giving 12 hours of conservation and leading a crew in 24 hours in that effort. To earn "Chief" you had to obtain camp approval for a week long conservation project that would have crews led by Medicine Men. Information provided by Bill Topkis.
A similar program existed at Lost Valley Scout Reservation called the Ranch Hands, with neckerchiefs and ranks, according to Phil Brigandi.
The Tribe of Ahwanee had a neckerchief for each rank. See example below (image courtesy of Bill Topkis):
Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby