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Scout Honor Societies

Seton Tid-Bits - Nanaboojou (also Nanabozhou, and several other spellings) is the name of the creator trickster rabbit in Ojibwa religion and folklore. Seton told lots of Nanaboojou stories in his lifetime.

The phrase "The Silent Power" was one of the terms that Seton and his cronies borrowed from the Lakota to refer to what Seton called "The Peace of the Night" or The Great Mystery (Wakonda). You will find it in the Secrets of the Woods Song in the Birch Bark Rolls, various editions.

The 4-M Program was (and seemingly, still may be) used by the YMCA in its camps. My sense is that there was a LOT of crossover in personnel and programs in the early years between the Scouts, Woodcraft Groups, YMCA, Camp Fire, etc.

While Beard did go to Camp Culver, so did Seton, c. 1918. The second edition of the Totem Board has a notice in it referring to the Woodcraft Program that Seton had helped establish at Culver. Beard and Seton were on the outs for a time, then later in life became friends again.

Blue Skies!

Gordon Cooper
Seattle, WA

Note: Gordon Cooper is director of the Ernest Thompson Seton Institute.

The item picuted below is incredibly rare. It is from Seton's Woodcraft Indian organization. Coups and honors (merit badge equivalents) were sewed onto this. (Click on the image to see a larger image)

Woodcraft Sash

Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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