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Scout Honor Societies

Tribe of Winton - As an incentive to encourage production and spirited campers, Camp Winton presents the Tribe of Winton. This program, which allows campers to earn beads for accomplishments and for Scouting spirit, culminates in a very impressive ceremony on Thursday evenings. Unlike most incentive programs, the “Tribe of Winton” concept can be adopted by each Troop, to encourage its members to participate and display good camping. The beads, themselves, are awarded by each Troop’s leaders. Promotion and ceremony are provided by the camp staff. When Scouts earn six beads, including a red one for spirit, they receive a “bear claw” for their necklace and are eligible to participate in the induction ceremony conducted by the staff. The ceremony features a blindfolded walk to the bonfire area, Indian outfits, arrival of the officiating ceremonial team by canoes across the lake, an oath of allegiance, Indian dancing, an explanation of the purpose and history of the Tribe, and stories of Indian lore.

The Tribe concept was brought to Winton by “Skip” Treganza in 1986 from Camp Pahatsi. The ceremony and procedures have been adapted from the original script by Mike Burns. In 1990, Mike “Jake” Hallerman, then Winton program director, designed a perpetual patch to accompany the Tribe.
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The patch features a depiction of the lake and mountains at Winton, the famous “Winton brand”, and Winton’s landmark flagpole rock. It has provisions for segments to be added as campers progress through the “ranks” of the Tribe; a strip is also available for camp staff.


From: Journal of The American Scouting Historical Society, "The Tribes of the Golden Empire Council" by Alan O’Connor, No. 7, 1999. Text and images used by permission of the author.

Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby

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