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Scout Honor Societies

Indian Tribe of Honor Campers - This group existed at Indian Lake Scout Camp from 1929 - 1933 in the Halifax Council in Volusia County, Florida. The council was organized in 1927 and ended in 1933 when the bank failures occurred. Members of the group were given a feather at their induction ceremony and were bestowed an Indian name at the same time. They provided service to the camp that included cutting firewood and providing campfire ceremonies. There are pictures of the group in ceremonial regalia and there was a special Tipi that was used by the Honor Campers. After the council was dissolved in 1933 it became the Halifax District in the Central Florida Council. The only executive that the Halifax Council had during it's brief existence was Albert Moore Boland, who is presumed to be the founder of the Tribe of Honor Campers. He later wrote the first Lifesaving Handbook for the Red Cross and helped organize the Daytona Beach Lifesaving Corp in 1934. Boland had been trained by Dan Beard. When the council dissolved he left professional scouting but stayed in the area.

Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby

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