Wolfeboro Pioneers - Founded in 1929 the group still existed as late
as 2005 at Camp Wolfeboro in the Mt.
Diablo Silverado Council. Youth members are elected by scouts in camp and
Adults/staff candidates are elected by society members. Methods of elections
have changed through the years. Youth must be at least First Class, spent
one week in camp the previous year and have held a unit leadership position.
Candidates are called out on Friday night then undergo an overnight
induction process. There are no ranks or levels within the group but they do
have officers. They have a patch. The OA also exists in the council and they
coexist. The Pioneers focused on Camp Wolfeboro and the OA looked over the
other three council camps.
A scan of the patch exists at the archive.org copy of
At one time the Wolfeboro Pioneers maintained a website at http:/www.wolfeboropioneers.org.
The site is no longer active, but a copy of the page can be found at archive.org
References to the organization can be found at
http://www.meridianmatters.org/meridian/MeridianNews11_2001.htm (Google
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Material found on this page is the work of David L. Eby and used USSSP, Inc. by permission. This material may not be reproduced without the express permission of David L. Eby