The FaceBook discussion group is the interactive portion of this site. Feel free to join the group and share you ideas, questions and answers. As this is Scouting related and faith based, please keep all posts and images appropriate.I will delete offensive material if I see it or if I receive a complaint. A Scout is Reverent.

 Summaries of some Worlds Faiths

In our society today, it is very likely that you will have boys from different cultures and different religions in your Troop.  Not just from the standpoint of Scouts Own preparation, but also to better understand your boys and be sensitive to their beliefs, it is a good idea to learn just a little bit about their religion.  Here you will find brief descriptions of some of the world's major religions. If you would like to add or improve upon these descriptions, please submit your content to The more we have here, the more we can help promote reverence in Scouting. If you submit something, you will be credited for your contribution.

If you would like to add or improve upon these descriptions, please submit your content to The more we have here, the more we can help promote reverence in Scouting.










Latter-Day Saint (LDS)












Denominational Associations

Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting

Members of the Churches of Christ in Scouting

National Association of Lutheran Scouters

National Association of Presbyterian Scouters

National Association of United Methodist Scouters

National Catholic Committee on Scouting

National Council on Islamic Scouting

National Jewish Committee on Scouting

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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