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on the size of the Scouting event, the number of persons attending and
leadership resources, separate groups could meet to have a Protestant
Non-denominational lay service,
a Catholic morning or evening prayer service,
a Jewish service,
and others as needed. If a single group observance is held, care must be taken
to make sure that it keeps a universal theme without favoring a particular
religious practice. Generally an opening prayer, a song, a responsive reading,
a song, a Scouter's thought, and a closing prayer should be acceptable, if a
universal theme is maintained. However, depending on your circumstances, you
may find that a simple responsive reading is appropriate or you may prefer a
more structured worship service.
In the
following pages we have listed several responsive readings that can be used in a
Scout Religious Service. In addition we have included some sample services.
Please be aware that these services were included for illustrative purposes only
and do not constitute an endorsement of any particular religion by inclusion or
omission. You should also be aware that these services may not be appropriate
for all Scouts, depending on each Scout's faith. Finally, attendance must be
ideas for Scout Worships Services can be found on the Internet’s World Wide Web
A good source for planning such a service is BSA, Jewish Relationships,
Jewish Religious Service for Scouts and Explorers