USSSP: A Scout's Duty to God and Country

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TIGER CUBS God and Me T33604, T33603, T33606

CUB SCOUTS God and Me T33604, T33603, T33606

WEBELOS SCOUTS God and Family T33597, T33598, T33595

BOY SCOUTS God and Church T33599, T33600, T33596

SCOUTS/VENTURERS (14 & OLDER) God and Life T33609, T33610, T33605

UNIT AWARD: Baptist Unit Award of Excellence

ADULT AWARDS: Good Shepherd 77-062


For more detailed information concerning the requirements of the God and Me, God and Family, God and Church, and God and Life religious emblems, look under the heading "Protestant" in Part 2 of this book.


Association of Baptists for Scouting

R. Chip Turner, Chairman

1325 West Walnut Hill Lane

Post Office Box 152079

Irving, Texas 75015-2079


Purpose: The Baptist Unit Award of Excellence is a three level program that recognizes exemplary units chartered to Baptist Churches. Quality units with a leadership team committed to ministry become an integral part of the Church's outreach to the community. They have a positive impact on Scouts and their families and they rarely become dropped units.

Recognition: Units that earn the recognition are award a certificate and a ribbon. Individual Scouts may purchase the unit award patch. To qualify for the recognition the unit must meet eight of the following requirements during the current charter year, including all requirements marked with an "*." Note: This award is a three level award. In the first year units earn the level 1 recognition. In succeeding years they may earn the level 2 and level 3 recognitions. Each successive award must be earned within two recharter years of the previous level recognition (not more than six years).

* 1. A unit must have earned the BSA Quality Unit Award in the charter year just completed.

* 2. 30% or more of the registered youth members in the unit must be actively enrolled in or have completed the appropriate religious emblem for their age and religious affiliation.

3. The minister or qualified pastoral appointee must be involved as a counselor in the God and Country religious emblems program.

4. The unit must participate in Scout Sunday at the Baptist Church were it is operated.

* 5. The unit must provide regular worship opportunities when away from home on Sundays.

* 6. Either the unit leader or committee chairman must be an active member of a Baptist Church.

7. At least half of the unit committee members must be active in a Baptist Church.

8. The unit must have completed at least one service project for the chartered organization during the last twelve months.

* 9. At least once each year, members of the unit must be instructed in the meaning and responsibilities embodied in the "Duty to God" principle of the Cub Scout Promise, Boy Scout Oath and Law, or Explorer Code.

10. Boy Scout Troops and Varsity Scout Teams must also have at least one chaplain-aide. The unit must have a designated adult serving as unit chaplain.



Association of Baptists for Scouting, Fact Sheet, No. 7-314.

Association of Baptists for Scouting, God and Country: A Program for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and

Explorers Who Are Baptist, No. 77-033 (1991).

Association of Baptists for Scouting, Membership Application, No. 77-326.

Association of Baptists for Scouting, United in Service, No. 77-306.

Baptist Supplement to God and Church

Baptist Unit Award of Excellence, No. 77-328 (1992)

BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: In Cooperation with Baptist Churches, No. 23-540 (1991). BSA, Relationships Division, A Bridge to Faith flier, No. 77-011.

BSA, Relationships Division, A Bridge to Faith, No. 77-011.

BSA, Relationships Division, A Suggested Guide for Scouting Units in Baptist Churches, No. 77-035.

BSA, Relationships Division, Baptist Unit Award of Excellence Application, No. 77-328.

BSA, Relationships Division, Baptists and Scouting - We Need Each Other (Chip Turner), No. 77-075

BSA, Relationships Division, Good Shepherd Cross and Staff Application and Information (adult recognition), No. 77-062.

BSA, Relationships Division, Introducing a Program of Religious Education for Baptist Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Explorers, No. 77-027.

BSA, Relationships Division, Strengthening Families - Scouting Can Help (Chip Turner), No. 77-304

BSA, Relationships Division, Suggested Guidelines on a Scouting Policy in a Baptist Church, No. 77-036.

BSA, Relationships Division, The Sleeping Giant of Outreach, No. 77-033.

BSA, Relationships Division, Twelve Guidelines for Living - A Biblical Perspective on the Scout Law (Chip Turner), No. 77-053.

Ziglar, Zig, Baptists and Scouting Building Values Together.

Additional resources may be found under the heading "Protestant" in Part 2 of this book.




Association of Baptists for Scouting C/O Boy Scouts of America

1325 West Walnut Hill Lane

Post Office Box 152079

Irving, Texas 75015-2079



P.O. Box 6900

St. Louis, Missouri 63123


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