USSSP: A Scout's Duty to God and Country

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Like Baden-Powell's "Scouts' Own" a Scouter's Minute was meant to be just that - a minute.  Keep it short and pack some punch by using only the best material.  Sometimes the very simplest message is best.  Here are a few, relatively short Scouters' Minutes.





He enjoys a hike through the woods more than he does a walk over the city streets.


He knows the stars by name and can find his way by them.


When he walks through the woods, he sees things others do not see.


He speaks softly and answers questions modestly.


He knows a braggart but does not challenge him.


His sense of honor is his only taskmaster, and his honor he guards as jealously as did the knights of old.


A Scout practices self-control, for he knows that men who master problems in the world must first master themselves.


A Scout never flinches in the face of danger. He must be alert to preserve his safety and that of others.


He desires a strong body, an alert mind, and an unconquerable spirit.


Always to "Be prepared".


                                                                                                                From SCOUTS-L on the Internet

                                                                                                                Contributor:  SPL Charles Nusbaum

                                                                                                                Troop 176, Cleveland, Ohio





First love and serve God.  Second love and serve your neighbor.  In doing you duty to God always be grateful to him. Whenever you enjoy a pleasure or a good game, or succeed in doing a good thing, thank Him for it,  if only with a word or two.





"I'd like to be a Cub Scout -----"

        (His eyes were deepest blue)

"I'd like to learn, and play, and build

        Like Jim and Freddy do."


"I know how to use a hammer;

        I can drive a nail if I try.

I'm eight years old, I'm big and strong

        And hardly ever cry."


I gave him the application

        And parent participation sheet.

(His eyes were filled with sunshine

        As he left on dancing feet.)


Next day, my friend was back again,

        A dejected little lad.

"I guess I'll skip the Cub Scouts."

        (His eyes were dark and sad.)


"My Mom is awful busy,

        She has lots of friends, you see.

She'd never have time for a den;

        She hardly has, for me."


"And Dad is always working ----

        He's hardly ever there.

To give them any more to do

        Just wouldn't be quite fair."


He handed back the papers

        With the dignity of eight years,

And, smiling bravely, left me

        (His eyes were filled with tears.)


Do you see your own boy's eyes

        As other people may?

How he looks when you're "too busy"

        Or "just haven't time" today?


A boy is such a special gift ----

        Why don't you realize,

It only takes a little time

        To put sunshine in his eyes.


                                        Pat Beardslec, Den Leader, Hawthorne, California




Scouting's fun and Scouting's grand

Like traveling from land to land.

Climbing up the Scouting trail,

Not stopping for wind nor hail.


For Scouting is a treasured thing,

Learning about what life will bring.

Bobcat, Wolf, and Bear are fun,

When you get your Webelos badge your almost done.


So, if you see a loyal Scout,

Notice that he tries to do

Lots of good deeds

For me and you.


                                                                                                                Robby Stawicki

                                        At Age 10, Feb. 1992




It was spring, but it was summer I wanted,

The warm days, and the great outdoors.


It was summer, but it was fall I wanted,

The colorful leaves, and the cool, dry air.


It was fall, but it was winter I wanted,

The beautiful snow, and the joy of the holiday season.


It was winter, but it was spring I wanted,

The warmth, and the blossoming of nature.


I was a child, but it was adulthood I wanted,

The freedom, and the respect.


I was 20, but it was 30 I wanted,

To be mature, and sophisticated.


I was middle aged, but it was 20 I wanted,

The youth, and the free spirit.


I was retired, but it was middle age I wanted,

The presence of mind, without limitations.


My life was over. but I never got what I wanted.


                                                                                    Jason Leham

                                                                                                                At Age 14




Thou shalt do thy share and more;

Thou shalt keep thy sense of humor;

Thou shalt do thy camp duties to the best of thy ability;

Thou shalt not cry over burnt food;

Thou shalt treat other people as you would wish them to treat you;

Thou shalt not pollute or destroy;

Thou shalt not giggle all night;

Thou shalt not forget about personal cleanliness;

Thou shalt spread thy friendship to someone new;

Thou shalt listen to thy leaders, for they are wise in the ways of making camp a happy time for     everyone.


                                                                                    From the Columbia Valley District,

                                                                                                                British Columbia, Scouts Canada





The Spirit lives, there is no doubt,

Within the heart of every Scout,

The hope lives  on, the dreams survive,

The Scouting spirit is alive!


In England, many years ago,

There lived a man who sought to sow

The seeds of brotherhood of man,

And there the spirit first began.


The Scouting spirit spread about

To nations east, west, north and south,

And soon, on every land and shore,

Young men were taught the Scouting Law.


We camped and learned of nature's ways,

We gloried in our youthful days,

We ventured where all others feared,

Because we knew we were prepared.


The world has changed as years went by,

Society's values went awry,

And many ask, "What is the worth

of Scouting on this wretched earth?"


But each new Scout who learns our law

Brings with him hope, and much, much more;

Each generation of Scouts gives

The proof that Scouting's spirit lives.


The treasured values of the past

Still guide Scouts of today; they last

In spite of changes that we see

Around us in society.


And still, adventures filled with fun

Await today's Scouts, every one;

In them that spirit, born of old

May yet transform this sorry world.


And so we say without a doubt,

That in the heart of every Scout

The hope lives on, the dreams survive,

The Scouting spirit is alive!


                                                                                    G.K. Sammy

                                                                                                                former Scout of 31st Trinidad

                                                                                                                dedicated to the Naparima District Scouts

                                                                                                                who attended the XV World Jamboree, 1983




Blessed are those who prefer others before themselves.  -- Baha'i Faith


Hurt not others in ways that you would you yourself would find hurtful.  -- Buddhism


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  -- Christianity


This is the sum of all duty: treat others as you yourself would be treated.  -- Hinduism


No one of you is a believer until you desire for another that which you desire for yourself.-- Islam


In happiness and suffering, in joy and grief, regard all creatures as you would regard your own self.  --Jainism


What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor.  -- Judaism


Be not estranged from another for God dwells in every heart. -- Sikhism


Human nature is good only when it does not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self.  --Zoroastrianism


9.  What It Means To Be An Eagle Scout


It means that I have the ability to be a leader.  Not of a gang or criminal organization but a leader of like minded individuals that uphold a creed, a sacred oath. A passion for life and the principals that founded the United States of  America. Patriotism is a loyalty I will never break.  If called on I would  voluntarily give my life for my country.  But more importantly, I will work to make it better.  Duty to God is an ongoing learning and incorporating of similar moral values that ensure that I will be a compassionate and productive citizen.


Eagle Scout is not a patch, an award or certificate to hang on the wall.  It is a way to live your life.  Although the trail to Eagle is hard work and fun; it is much more.  The Eagle rank is an education.  Each rank is a chapter.  The conclusion is that by earning the Eagle rank the individual has the tools to be a responsible consciences citizen who would gladly advance the group before the individual.


                                                                              © Greg Gough (Eagle Scout  ‘72)

                                                                                  Used by Permission


Trail To Eagle


Walk upon the trail,

that links the,

future with the past.

Take the Oath,

Live the Law.

The pathway to Eagle,

is steep and narrow.

Your journey will require,

skill and fortitude.

Your reward:

Knowledge and Understanding.

Enough to base a lifetime on.

Your challenge is to;

Take the journey,

Join the few and

Soar with the Eagle.


                                                                              © Greg Gough (Eagle Scout  ‘72)

                                                                                  Used by Permission




Campfire Closing


As the sun rises in the East,

So it sets in the West.

Thus, setting the pace that marks each step through life.

It matters not; how many steps we take...

But how we take them and in which direction.

Tonight we have celebrated the adventures

and victories of our fellow scouts.

Their accomplishments are many and

we should all be proud of their progress.

Like our fire, our Scouting Spirit truly burns bright.

Now as the glowing embers of our Council Fire

Fade and turn to ash, soon to be picked up and scattered by the four winds...

May each of us preserve it's spirit in our heart and

pledge to ourselves, to be our best and carry out our duty;

to God, to Country, to Others and to Ourselves.

Join me now in the Scout Oath...


                                                                              © Greg Gough (Eagle Scout  ‘72)

                                                                                  Used by Permission




As I stand at the outpost

of the new humanity and

look to the horizon,

will I see the Truth

that Knowledge has suggested?

Or, simply find the lies that

have been represented?

Should I trust my fellow man or

go alone into the darkness to

discover the Great Mystery?

And if I do go alone,

who will know what I have found?

Our time is witnessing the

dawning of a new era.

What we do today will be carried

into the future by our children.

We have a responsibility beyond self.

A responsibility to the Earth,

to the future, to our generation,

to the circle, to the cycle of existence.

We are but one small fragment of

the total picture that revolves upon it's self.

We shall never know the freedom of being totally alone,

for even alone,

we impact all other things.

Take with you this information,

use it as a guide.

Don't abuse the power that God has given you,

but look forward to serving God.

Remember this,

We truly do mold our destiny,

for we are the future.


                                                                              © Greg Gough (Eagle Scout  ‘72)

                                                                                  Used by Permission


Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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