USSSP: A Scout's Duty to God and Country

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1.   Pack and Troop meetings provide a wonderful opportunity to feature citizenship building activities:


a.   Flag ceremonies:  Use flag ceremonies to open and/or close meetings.  Try a flag ceremony commemorating a special holiday such as Veteran's Day or Memorial Day where the Scouts write a script telling what the flag means to them.  Try a simple Pledge of Allegiance ceremony or one featuring the placement of the flags followed by the Cub Scout Promise or Cub Scout Law of the Pack or the Scout Oath and Law.


      Try a flag ceremony with the reading of an inspirational quotation.  Some sample quotations follow:


      "The flag of the American Union is a visible symbol of the ideal aspirations of the American people.  It is the one focus in which all unite in reverential devotion."  Maj. Gen. Arthur MacArthur.



      "This flag means more than association and reward.  It is the symbol of our national unity, our national endeavor, our national aspiration.  It tells you of the struggle for independence, of union preserved, of liberty and union one and inseparable, of the sacrifices of brave men and women to whom the ideals and honor of this Nation have been dearer than life."  Charles Evans Hughes.


      "When I think of the flag . . . I see alternate strips of parchment upon which are written the rights of liberty and justice, and stripes of blood to vindicate those rights, and then, in the corner, a prediction of the blue serene into which every nation may swim which stands for these great things."  Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States.


b.   Patriotic songs: 


      1]   Try an opening with:


            a]   The Star Spangled Banner;

            b]   America;

            c]   America, the Beautiful;. or

            d]   God Bless America


            2]   For a closing song, you could use any of the above or you could use Taps for a closing ceremony retiring the flag.


c.   Recognition of service to the community:  When your Scouts give service to the community, recognize their efforts.  Present them with a momento or certificate recognizing their efforts to be better citizens.  Remind them and their parents that part of good citizenship is being responsible for the welfare of the community and that service is evidence of good citizenship.


d.   Displays and demonstrations:  The sky is the limit here! 


      1]   Flag Displays


            You could have a display of all of our past national, state and local flags. 


      2]   Historical Documents


                  Another approach would be to display the Declaration of Independence or exerpts from the Constitution. 




      3]   Voting Rights and Community Responsibility


                  Still another approach would be to have posters showing how to use voting machines and others reminding parents and community members to get out and vote.  Other posters could emphasize the "unacceptables" in Scouting; e.g., illiteracy, drug abuse, child abuse, etc.  Or you could display letters written by Scouts to local community leaders on issues of interest (this will also help Scouts fulfill one of the requirements for Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge). 



            4]   Poster Contest


                  Have a poster making contest with a citizenship theme; e.g. "Duty to Country", and ask the Pack or Troop to vote on best poster (recognizing each contributor).  Use your imagination and there will be no limit to displays you can make. 


            5]   Flag Folding Demonstration & An Illustrated Flag Ceremony


                  Similarly, demonstrations are easy.  A Den or Patrol could demonstrate how to fold the flag, another could do a "talk-through flag ceremony" explaining each step.


            6]   Skit on Democracy


                  Try a humorous skit on how a democracy works.




Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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