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Songs like
graces and prayers should be selected with care to avoid any words or images
that would indicate a preference for a single religion or language that might be
offensive to another faith. As Scouters, we must teach Scouts to be tolerant of
each others differing views and that it is right for each to worship in his own
way. We don't want to create an environment that makes Scouts uncomfortable
with their own faiths or feel like the group is isolating them. Thus a very
beautiful song such as Let Us Break Bread Together would not be
appropriate because it describes the Christian Sacrament of Holy Communion, a
rite not common to many other faiths. Songs that express universal themes of
faith, joy, thanks, or other values as they relate to a common maker are more
appropriate. For example, in the Cub Scout Song Book
you will find several songs that are appropriate including:
Bless Our Cub Scouts,
Cub Scout Prayer,
Cub Scout Vespers,
Good Night, Cub Scouts,
Happy Wanderer, The,
Round the Campfire,
Who'll Come A-Scouting; and,
and in the
Boy Scout Song Book
you will find several more for Boy Scouts and Explorers including:
Abide With Me,
Faith Of Our Fathers,
Father We Thank Thee For The Night,
God Bless America,
Grace Song,
Scout Benediction, The,
Scout Leader's Prayer,
Scout Vespers Song,
Shalom A'leychem,
Taps, and
We're On The Upward Trail.
other religious songs that express universal themes of faith, joy, thanks, or
other values, which you may wish to consider are found in Scouts Worship:
Abide With Me
Day Is Done
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Morning Has Broken
O God, Our Help In Ages Past