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Religious Emblems

A Scout is Revernt

To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed religious emblems programs. The religious emblems programs are programs created by the various religious groups to encourage youth to grow stronger in their faith. The religious group, not the Boy Scouts of America, have created the religious emblems programs themselves. The Boy Scouts of America has approved of these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform. The various religious groups administer the programs.

How do we get started on these programs?

First, youth members must obtain the specific booklet for their religion. This booklet will contain information on all the lessons and service projects that they will need to complete. Each member needs to have his or her own booklet to document progress. Some religions also provide adult manuals for counselors and mentors. Check with your local council to see if it stocks these booklets in its store, or contact the religious organization directly.

Second, parents must review the specific guidelines for their particular program; age/grade requirements vary from program to program. Some programs require that the youth be an official "member" of the local religious institution, others may not. Each program determines who may serve as counselor (some require clergy, others allow parents or other family members). Be sure to look at specific eligibility guidelines!

Third, families should talk to their religious leaders and show them the booklet before beginning any program. Most of the religious emblems programs require that they be completed under the auspices of that religious organization, and many require the signature of the local religious leader. Again, check the specific eligibility requirements for your religious program.

Fourth, the member needs to complete the requirements, obtain the proper signatures, and follow the instructions to order the emblem/award. The emblem can be presented at any time of the year and should be presented in a meaningful ceremony, preferably in the member's religious institution.

As Chaplain, you should familiarize yourself with the programs and encourage youth to participate. This is one of the few knots that a youth can earn and wear on his uniform. He can also earn multiple levels of the award based his age and grade in school. Each additional award is signified with a device on the knot.

Web Resources

BSA's Chart of Religious Emblems -(BSA Website - ) Contains image of the specific awards and links to the denominational organization.

God and Duty Information Pamphlet - (BSA Website - ) Beautiful 8 page pamphlet, great program overview

Programs of Religious Activities with Youth - Religious emblems programs for protestant youth

National Catholic Committee on Scouting - Religious emblems for Catholic youth

The On My Honor Award award for Boy Scouts - The Chirch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints religious award for Boy Scouts

A Scout's Duty to God and Country - Great book on the website


If you have additional resources that you would liek to see listed her, please send them to me at

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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