The FaceBook discussion group is the interactive portion of this site. Feel free to join the group and share you ideas, questions and answers. As this is Scouting related and faith based, please keep all posts and images appropriate.I will delete offensive material if I see it or if I receive a complaint. A Scout is Reverent.


There are certain dates and religious observances that must be adhered to by the individual. Arrangements must be made for participation in special services.

  • The Islamic (Muslim) year begins with Muharram. All Islamic dates are subject to sighting of the moon; an event may be one day earlier or later than the date listed.

  • According to the Eastern Orthodox Church calendar, the day begins after evening vespers at sunset and concludes with vespers on the following day. For this reason, the observance of all Eastern Orthodox holy days begins at sunset on the evening before the holy day.

  • Jewish holidays begin at sundown prior to the first date listed.

A religious institution has the option of celebrating Scout Sunday/Scout Sabbath at its discretion. For example, the United Methodist Church always celebrates Scout Sunday on the second Sunday in February.

BSA Calendar of Special Observances - (BSA Website -



If there is anything that you would like to see added to this page, please email me at

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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