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The FaceBook discussion group is the interactive portion of this site. Feel free to join the group and share you ideas, questions and answers. As this is Scouting related and faith based, please keep all posts and images appropriate.I will delete offensive material if I see it or if I receive a complaint. A Scout is Reverent.

Below is a basic overview of the jobs of the Chaplain and Chaplain Aide.

To see the actual BSA Job Description and Manual, click here: Job Descriptions & Chaplain's Manual (BSA Website -

Role of the Chaplain (Adult Leader)


Role of the Chaplain Aide (Youth Leader)


  1. Provide a spiritual element for campouts and troop meetings
  2. Provide spiritual counseling when needed or requested
  3. Provide opportunities for all boys to grow in their relationship with God and their fellow Scouts
  4. Encourage Scouts to participate in the religious emblems program of their respective faith
  5. Be familiar with the chaplain aide section of this manual
  6. Work with the troop chaplain aide to plan and conduct an annual Scout-oriented religious observance, preferably during Scout Week in February


  1. Work with the troop chaplain (usually an adult member of the clergy) to plan appropriate interfaith religious services during troop outings
  2. Encourage troop members to strengthen their own relationships with God through personal prayer and devotion and participation in religious activities appropriate to their faith
  3. Participate in patrol leaders council panning sessions to ensure that spiritual emphasis is included in troop activities
  4. Help the troop chaplain (or other designated adult) plan and conduct an annual Scout-oriented religious observance,. Preferably during Scout Week in February
  5. Present an overview of the religious emblems program at troop meetings at least once per year
  6. Help the troop chaplain (or other designated adult) recognize troop members who receive their religious emblems, perhaps during a troop court of honor (note: most religious emblems are conferred during a service at the Scout's place of worship, but the achievement should also be recognized at a significant troop event.)



About the owner and disclaimer:

The owner of this page is a Christian by faith, so there will always be a Christian slant to all of the content that he adds. But as a BSA Chaplain, he knows that he serves youth of all faiths and will welcome people of other faith groups to contribute to this page. To learn more about the Chaplain, click here.  If you would like to add content to this page, please feel free to submit it to All content will be credited to the contributor by name, unit and city.


Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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