Scouting in the Past (1910 to 1990) Scouting Today (1991 to Today) Troop 72 up in Minnesota has a terrific photo journal covering more than six years of its activities on the web. Their most recent adventure is a 72 mile bike trop at You can use the site navigation to go back to previous Troop events and see hundreds of photographs of the Troop's activities.

Colonial Virginia Council has launched a set of three videos to promote Rappahannock Boy Scout Camp, Rivah Base, and CHASE. These videos are outstanding examples of great camp promotion. After watching, you'll want to know where to sign up for a great Scout Camp experience. If your camp doesn't have a promotional video like this, make the suggestion or help your local Council set one up.

Do you have old or new photos on your website that you'd like to link to this page? If so, please send an e-mail to the webmaster.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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