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Web Counter How To Info

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Download the Digits

You can Click Here to download a single, self-executing, compressed file (81 Kb) that contains all ten digits used in our web counter. Save the file to your hard drive and note the location. Using your File Manager/Windows Explorer go to that location. Double click on the file. It will extract the ten digits. You now have all of the digits needed for the counter. If this doesn't work for you, you can right-click on each of the images below and download them one at a time.

0.gif - 1465 Bytes 1.gif - 1358 Bytes 2.gif - 1468 Bytes 3.gif - 1479 Bytes 4.gif - 1429 Bytes 5.gif - 1505 Bytes 6.gif - 1469 Bytes 7.gif - 1475 Bytes 8.gif - 1481 Bytes 9.gif - 1459 Bytes

Getting A Web Counter

If you are using someone else's server

There are many commercial services available that will provide a free web counter service to your website. The thing to look for is one that will allow you to upload a custom set of digits. Scouter Mark Larson has had good success using to provide a counter on a Scouting website. They do not require you to have an advertising banner, which is always a plus.

If you have your own server or admin privileges on a server

If you have the ability to load an executable script on your server, you may want to visit one of the shareware sites on the web like or and look for web counter software that will run on your server. These two sites usually refer you to the shareware owner's website where you can read about the software. Look for software that allows you to use your own set of digits. You will need to install the web counter executable in a directory that allows a script to run. A word of caution - some web counters have "buffer overrun" problems which can be exploited by a hacker. Read the documentation on the shareware providers site. If the description doesn't tell you how security issues are addressed with the counter, think twice about using it.

Scouter Guarino's Solution:  Good stuff from a reader! Using the above page, I created a .gif file for a hit counter. Our Pack/Troop uses Frontpage. I was not comfortable link our site to a non scout site to maintain a hit counter for us. So, I created the needed file to use right in Frontpage.

I placed instructions and the .gif file on our website at: 

Maybe this can help some other Scouter Webmasters save a bit of time.

Thanks again for all the assistance your site provides.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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