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The U.S. Scouting Service Project wishes to acknowledge the following Scouters whose source material, writings, images, or other contributions have been used on this website. This website would not be possible without the help of countless volunteers who have shared information on the Internet. Please give a virtual round of applause to the following Scouts and Scouters. (Please note, due to the large number of contributors, we stopped updating this list in 2002. Countless others have contributed.)
Robert Amick
Paula Amnott-Tanguma
Jerry Aspen
Mark W. Arend
Erik Ashby
Mike Audleman
Jim Axelrad
Jeff Babis
Russ Bader
Matthew Baldwin
Ralph V. Balfoort
Peggy Barber
Earl Bateman
Bobbie Beatson
Steve Beluch
Jay Bemis
Rik Bergethon
Jeremy Beyette
Chris Binion,
Donald R. Bohnwagner
Craig Bond
Michael F. Bowman
Chuck Bramlet
Jan Brewington
Jim Bryant
Brenda Burkhart
Ted Burton
John Carpenter
Steven D. Carpenter
Carol Capps
Bob Carr
William F. Cass
Kathie Cerveny
Roger Claff
Rick Clements
Paul L. Clemmensen
Bruce E. Cobern
William Coughlin
Dave Colangelo
Robert Collins
Paul Combs Sr.
Keith Cooke
David Conway
George Crowl
Bob Cylkowski
Lloyd Dalton
Hal Daume
Al Davis
William Deady
Rich Diesslin
David F. Delman
Dave Deutcsh
Don DeYoung
Bob Docteur
Gary A. Doney
Kevin Doyle
Mark Dryer
Ed Dunn
David L. Eby
Steve Eisinger
Micheline England
Jo Ernst
Paul Eustace
Randy Everette
Peter Farnham
Kimberly Farr
Larry Faust
Fred Feltmann
Tony Ferraro
Roger Field
Danny Finch
Lynne Axel Fitzsimmons
Dusty Fletcher
Ian Ford
Mary Fournier
Brandon France
Bill Frensley
Jerry Frese
B.J. Gallenberg
Susan Gamble
Susan Ganther
Bill Gascoyne
Dave Gelfius
Robert Gerhard
Jeff L. Glaze
Cliff Golden
Charles Good
Marilyn Wright-Gore
Carl Grabiel
Yvonne Graham
H. Al Greg
Beth Guth
Chris Haggerty
Tad Hall
Richard Hammond
Steve Harter
Joe Ray Hawkins
Ken Hawks
Dean Hayes
Denise Hayes
Dennis Haynie
Andrew J. Heath
Harold Helphrey
Bill Hensley
Gary Hendra
Kyna Hendra
Gregor Herrmann
Larry Heverley
Ed Henderson
John Herrholz
Alan R. Houser
Jim Howes
George Hutcheson
Beverly Hutchings
Byron Hynes
Don Izard
Arthur Janzen
Michael B Jennison
Nancy Jones
Charles Johnson
Paul L. Johnson
Roger Jost
Nancy Jones
Barb Karweik
Dale Karweik
Bill Keller
Janie Keller
Cynthia D King
Bob Koch
Thomas Kochansky
Matt Kopp
Ben Kruser
Derik Lake
Patrick Lam
Dee LaRock
Cliff Lee
Peter Lenehan
Herbert Leong
David Legler
Scott Lesevoy
Jerry Lloyd
David M. Lock
Dave Loomis
Juan Lopez
Jeff Lukens
Tom Lynch
T. MacLean
Norman J. MacLeod
Dave Manchester
William J. Marose
Brenda Maxwell
Mike McGarity
Lorie McGraw
Darin McGrew
Todd McMahon
Linda McMillian
Pete McMullen
Mike Meenehan
Norman Merril
Pete Meztloff
Hayes James Michael, Jr.
Brian Mileshosky
Betsy Miller
Bob Miller
Linda Miller
Jim Miller, Sr.
Dan Mitchell
Scott Montague
Gerald de Montigny
Kevin Moore
Dawn Moriarty
Denise Morris
Len Motz
Christopher Mowry
Henry Mowry
Kim Moye
Cameron Mulder
Mike Mullen
Tray Murphy
Lawrence P. Murtaugh
Bob Myers
Alex Nepple
Daphne Nessler
Grant O'Neil
Tammie Nivision
David Olin
Lew Orans
John Pannell
Ben Parker
Kelly Parker
Amber Patrick
Jim Peterson
Rick Poirot
Judy Polak
Tom Polakis
Jim Poole
Stan Pope
Karl Poppelreiter
Cathy Porter
Lydia Pourciau
Pam Powers
John Pratt
Richard A Quinnell
Mark Rabson
Rick Rambo
Chip Reinhardt
John Thompson Reynolds
Chris Reisel
Neal Reisel
Mark Riffey
Barbara Riley
Doug Roach
Nancy Rogers
Ralph Romig
Greg Rosalia
Stan Rudnick
Barry C Runnels
Peter Sanders
Patti Scanlan
Sherry Schrimpf
Roger Schumacher
Danny Schwendener
Doug Secrist
Scott Seely
John Severino
Ed Sexton
Rich Shelleng
Robert Sheneman
Robert M Shockley
Jery Stedinger
Frank Striegl
Cheryl Singhal
Terry Slade
John Spacek
Jim Speirs
Ernest R. Spradling
Mike Stanclift
Jery Stedinger
Gary Stedman
Ken Speigel
Barb Stephens
Peter Stetson
Jeff Stine
Randy Storms
Tom Sullivan
Chris Summers
James Taylor
Bob Techentin
Jay Thal
Charlie Thorpe
Keith Tilley
Wendy Theriault
Terry Thrasher
David Tracewell
Rob Trotta
Mat Trotter
Stuart Tucker
John Tudor
Tom Turba
Steve Tyler
John D. Urbach, II
Edwin van der Elst
Lucien L. Van Elsen
Peter Van Houten
Skip Wagner
Brian Walter
Dan Walters
Mike Walton
Olan Watkins
Fred Webb
Ian Webb
Dustin Weir
James D Wellborn
Rich Wenneker
Ken Wier
Cristi Wilkins
Dennis J. Wilkinson
Chris Williams
Stephen E. Williamson
Mark Wilson
Grey Wolf
LTC Al Woltz
Leroy Wood
Randy Worcester
Cooper Wright
Jack Wright
Jack Wyatt
Judy Yeager
Drucie Yerkes
Gary Yerkes
Robert Yslas
Maryhope Zitelli
Linda Zung


David L. Eby: Dave joined scouting in 1962 and advanced to the rank of Life Scout. Dave is a Wood Badge Eagle (1976) and served as Scoutmaster of Jamboree Troop 1101 in 1997. Dave took the Philmont trek in 1995 and attended Philmont training in 1996. He has been the Running Waters District Scout-O-Rama Chairman last five years. He is currently serving as Running Waters District Historian and CC for T-579. Over the years he has held numerous district and unit positions in the Great Sauk Trail Council. Dave is also a Brotherhood member of Manitous OA Lodge 88. He resides in Southeast Michigan. .

Paul Eustace: Paul was an early contributor, is from the Sam Houston Area Council in Texas, and served as the Commissioner of the CyberScout Roundtable. He is an eight year Scouter who has held the positions of Webelos Den Leader, ASM, Boy Scout Roundtable Staff, Scout Leader Training Chairman, District Youth Protection Training Chairman, and WoodBadge Staffer (SR 23). He is currently a District Training Team member,SHAC Commissioner Training Team Member, Unit Commissioner, Troop Committee Member, Council Youth Protection Training Chairman, and International Committee Member. (7/95)

Jeff L. Glaze: Jeff is currently Committee Chairman for Troop 477, Hightower Trail District, Atlanta Area Council, Inc., Boy Scouts of America. He has served as a Scouting volunteer since 1979, in a variety of positions including Scoutmaster (3 years), Committee Chairman (3 years), Unit Commissioner (4 years), Chartered Organization Representative (5 years), Assistant Scoutmaster (4 years), District. Jeff has been active on his District Committee since 1981 serving as Advancement Chairman (2 years), and District Advancement Committee member (20 years), and has served numerous times on the District Training Team. His work e-mail is: and his personal e-mail is:, personal web site is (8/03)

Paul L. Johnson: Paul was an early contributor and provided monthly CyberScout Roundtable files for posting on the web. (5/95)

Bob Techentin: Bob Techentin is a Den Leader for Cub Scout Pack 186 in the Hiawatha District of the Gamehaven Council in Southeastern Minnesota. (11/95)

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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