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Ordering Uniforms Via the Internet
The BSA's Supply Division is the national distributor of
official BSA merchandise, uniforms, insignia and accessories for
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts/Varsity Scouts, Venturers and their adult
leaders and professional members. The BSA's Supply Division
grants "distributorships" on a national and local basis based on
the potential amount of sales and the availability of it's
outlets to the greatest segments of Scouts/Scouters.
A special seal with the BSA logo is displayed
in the front and within the Scout sales section of those
stores certified by the BSA to sell official uniforms,
insignia and accessories. Of the national department
store chains, only Penney's and Sears carry this seal;
and only the BSA's Supply Division approves retail
outlets to offer and special-order BSA merchandise. Look
for the seal when purchasing your official Scouting
[The US Scouting Service Project does not endorse or
receive any financial support whatsoever from Sears or
Penneys' for posting this information; the information
provided is merely as part of our response to inquiries.]
Additionally, the BSA Supply Division, in concert with local
Councils throughout the United States, also grants
distributorships to local department or sporting goods
stores which may or may not have a "storefront" webpage or
site. The best advice is to check with YOUR local
Council office to see where Scouting uniforms and basic
items can be purchased locally; and then follow that up with
a phone call or visit to that firm or store and ask the
management team if it is possible to order Scouting items
from their store or firm via their website or page.
Some local Councils, for instance, the
Simon Kenton Council, places
the names, addresses and phone numbers of the Supply
Division's authorized local distributors on their
website. So check your Council's website for
that information as well.
Of course, the BEST WAY to order your
official BSA items is through the BSA's
Supply Division through their official
website ( , their
tollfree number (1-800-323-0732) or locally
through your local Council Service Center
using their tollfree or a local number.
Most local Councils with Internet (email)
access WILL, however, take an order via
email or fax if you include your name,
address and a credit or debit card number to
pay for the items. For instance, the
Gerald R. Ford
Council offers to fill orders via mail,
fax, email or phone and to send them out
virtually anywhere by US Postal Service or
UPS. Councils and BSA Scout Shops (tm) will
take personal checks or postal money orders
in addition to cash; and most locations
honor Visa, MasterCard, American Express and
Discover credit cards.
As a followup, the
BSA's official
Supply Division site ( have
sections in which Scouters and
parents may safely order basic
items. The official Supply
Division's website has been "open
for business" since May of 2004,
well in advance of the 2005 National
Scout Jamboree. It is an easy way
to order basic books, uniforms and
insignia from virtually anywhere!
"Basic books and insignia" by the
BSA's definition include:
- Wolf, Bear, WEBELOS, Boy
Scout, Varsity Scout, and
Venturing handbooks
- youth leadership guides and
- basic adult leadership books
- uniforms for both youth and
adults in all programs
- the Fieldbook and other
outdoor guides and booklets
- local Council (and perhaps
adjacent Council) Shoulder
Patches (CSPs), unit numbers,
Patrol and Den emblems and
numbers, US Flag and World Crest
emblems, and shoulder loops for
Cub Scouts/Scouters, Boy
Scouts/Scouters, Venturing
leaders; and District/Council
- some accessories like
Pinewood/Kite/Rocket Derby kits,
watches and pocketknives, cups
and bookmarks and the like
It does NOT include items like rank
advancement, awards, flag streamers,
plaques, or materials and books
above those basic manauls for youth
and adult members listed above. Nor
does it include items like year
pins, veterans' bars, Cub Scout
academic and sports belt loops, or
interpreter strips. Those items MUST
be purchased or ordered through the
local Council's Service Center or
through a Scout Shop(tm) authorized
to receive BSA Advancement Reports
for local Council(s).
The BSA wishes for you as a
parent or Scouter to come
into the local Council
Service Center or into their
retail Scout Shops(tm) set
up in larger local Councils
and in metropolitan
communities. In this way,
you are assured of having
assistance with getting the
items you need by people
involved in the programs and
assurances that the items
you purchase will be
exchanged or your monies
refunded if they do not hold
up to your standard.
The Internet brings
a wide array of
possibilities for
the BSA and for you
as a family. Making
available uniforming
and basic books and
insignia to Scouts
and Scouters has
always been a BSA
priority, a
cornerstone since
its founding; while
at the same time
maintaining its high
degree of service
and satistfaction to
Scouters and Scouts
and to the parents
of the youth members
of the BSA's three
We hope that this
information has been
of benefit to you as
we start a new year
of Scouting in
America and as the
Internet and in
particular the World
Wide Web (WWW)
continues to catch
on among our
families, those of
us involved in
Scouting and those
of us whom support
Scouting and the
great things it has
and can do for our
nation's youth.
If you do
encounter a
problem with
items or
would like
to provide
on other
or sporting
goods chains
whom are
by the BSA
to resell
please let
us know
through our
Board. We
will verify
and post
online and
we will do
our best to
assist you
(or at least
orient you
in the right
in getting
you need!
so.... THANKS
-- the US Scouting Service Project Team
compiled by Mike Walton