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Scouting History
You Are Listening to the Official Boy Scout March by John Phillip
Sousa copyrighted in 1916.
In the early years of Scouting there were two other composers who created a Boy Scout March.
In 1914 Macon Hereford Flowerree Kinsey, a Scout Executive with Boy Scouts of America from 1911-1946, obtained a copyright for "Boy Scout March" which he had composed. The work was published by the Willis Music Company in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Thanks to Larry McGarrah for this information
and for the copies of the music)
Copies of the score are available from the links below:Sheet 1 (Cover) | Sheet
2 | Sheet 3 | Sheet 4 | Sheet 5
In 1918 Mary Sanford Morison composed and copyrighted her own "Boy Scout March" which is available from the links below
Sheet 1 |
Sheet 2