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Scouting History – The Ship at Miakonda by Dave Eby
This was actually a house in the shape of a ship. It was
built on a concrete foundation in 1934 by the WPA on one of the three islands in
the ten acre lake. But you could learn how to sail on it. It had living quarters
in it. It was about 100 feet long. The lake was hand dug in 1934-36. 1000
workers dug a ten acre hole about eight feet deep with shovels and wheelbarrows.
They dug and moved an estimated 1.1 million wheelbarrows of dirt. It was the
largest WPA project done at Miakonda and there were many projects completed
there by the WPA including the tree house campsite.
Written by
David L. Eby
Council Historian
Miakonda Scouting Museum
Erie Shores Council, BSA
Toledo, Ohio