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Scouting Through History

The Left Handshake:

" During the summer of 1946, a young West African, named Djabonar, came to Gilwell Park to take his Wood Badge Training. He is hoping eventually to become Assistant Organizing Commissioner for the Gold Coast. When the Camp Chief was talking about the left handshake, Djabonar told him how at the fall of Kumasi, the capital city of prempeh, the Chief of the Ashanti people, his grandfather, one of the chiefs, came forward to B-P. And held out his left hand. B-P. Offered his right in return, but the Chief said: " No, in my country the bravest of the brave shake with the left hand." There is no reasonable doubt that among the many explanations of the left handshake of the Scouts and Guides this is the true original"

By Lord Rowallan, Chief Scout, British Commonwealth and Empire, 1948.

Contributed by: Carlos Rodriguez, Wood Badge Scouter, Venezuela

The course director for the Wood Badge Course that Carlos attended was William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt.

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