The U.S. Scouting Service Project Internet Story

Dear Fellow Scouters, Scouts, and Friends,

Thank you for visiting our website. We are a group of dedicated volunteer Scouters who have brought the resources of the internet to Scouting and built an online community of resources to help all within our Scouting organization. The U.S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP for short) is not affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). However, we support the BSA and all of it's programs, and all of us are registered adult Scouters. We operate the USSSP as a non-profit corporation in the state of Missouri, as a public service to the Scouting community.

Our "project" is to gather as much resources, graphics, clipart, and associated reference material as possible about Scouting and post it on the internet for public access. We DO NOT maintain unit-specific information such as Scout names, meeting places, or personal information. The information we provide is of general Scouting interest. Information on how the programs operate, guidelines, requirements and most importantly support documents and image archives. When a Scout or Scouter (adult leader) needs help in a particular subject area, we want to be able to fill their need. From clipart for Unit newsletters to ideas about games, songs, or activities to make Scouting fun!

We welcome all Scouts or Scouters who are interested in dedicating time in helping us with one or more specific content areas of our site. Our website is maintained by Volunteer Team members who spend untold hours bringing this great resource to you. Many thanks goes to these dedicated Scouters who have built this site and provided this wonderful resource to all.

The USSSP was started in November of 1994 by a dedicated Scouter named Chris Marsey. As time has passed, we have seen exponential growth in our site and today believe it to be the most visited Scouting site on the Internet. Our growth and phenomenal success is attributed to you, and the thousands of Scouts and Scouters who use our website to support Scouting in their communities.

We are committed to providing as many resources as possible to the Scouting Community. We are constantly seeking support in the way of manpower to help build our library of materials. If you are interested, please send me an email ( indicating what area you may be able to contribute.

Again, thank you and God Bless.

Dave Tracewell
The U.S. Scouting Service Project, Inc.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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Materials found at U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. Websites may be reproduced and used locally by Scouting volunteers for training purposes consistent with the programs of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) or other Scouting and Guiding Organizations. No material found here may be used or reproduced for electronic redistribution or for commercial or other non-Scouting purposes without the express permission of the U. S. Scouting Service Project, Inc. (USSSP) or other copyright holders. USSSP is not affiliated with BSA or WOSM and does not speak on behalf of BSA or WOSM. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors. You can support this website with in two ways: Visit Our Trading Post at or make a donation by clicking the button below.
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