Mike Kauffmann enjoyed Cub Scouts for two wonderful years as a Wolf and a Bear. He dropped out early in his Webelos year and was never approached about joining a Boy Scout troop. His interest in Scouting was renewed after the birth of his son. Like many new fathers, he started thinking about what his son might do in his life.
While driving home one day, he stopped at the local Boy Scout Service Center and picked up a Boy Scout Handbook. Reading the Handbook was an eye-opening experience. Mike was amazed that so many wonderful activities were crammed into such a small book but also dismayed that he never was a Boy Scout, that he never got to do all the wonderful things he was reading about.
He then went back and got a copy of the Scoutmaster's Handbook. Reading it was another shock. The Boy Scout Handbook emphasizes all the fun stuff in Scouting; camping, hiking, and other activities. The Scoutmaster's Handbook shows the real reason for Scouting, taking boys and shaping them into fine young men. Good morals, active citizenship, and physical fitness are the backbone of the Scouting method with educational opportunities thrown in that are often unavailable anywhere else.
This convinced Mike that his son should be a Scout. He was so thoroughly enchanted with the idea that he decided to join up and be a Scout leader when his son was still only two years old. That was in 1986 and he's been a Scouter ever since.
While he is currently the Asst Scoutmaster with Troop 108 in Villa Rica, GA, there aren't many positions in a Boy Scout troop Mike hasn't held at one time or another. He's also been a Webelos leader and performed many jobs at the district and council level. In addition to the above, Mike has served on staff for many major council events and district training programs. Some of his major accomplishments include serving twice on Wood Badge staff, once on Green Bar staff (Junior Leader Training (now NYLT)), and once on the College of Commissioner Science faculty.
Mike's most significant contribution to Scouting as a whole was the founding and operation of MeritBadge.org, a Scouting advancement resource site, and MeritBadge.net, a Scouting discussion forum for Scout leaders and older youth.