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Gary is our Online Library and Clipart coordinator. He also helps out with ScoutLinks management wherever
possible. He is also the Webmaster of the MacScouter
Scouting Resources Online site. As the USSSP VP for Program for the past
couple years, Gary spent a lot of time getting the same Scouting clipart and documents
available for Macintosh and PC. You will find lots of the MacScouter resources at the website, including all the cookbooks, and the Big Books of Skits and Games. Gary
began electronic Scouting in 1993 when there were almost no Scouting sites on the
Internet. The MacScouter grew out of that, as did his involvement in the Scouts-L
archives, the Pluto ftp site, and then the USSSP site.
Gary has been married to Kyna for 15 years and has three children. Chris and Jamey are
both Scouts in Troop 92, and Kaity is Campfire Kid.
Gary is a Ham Radio operator -- W6NOE -- and newsletter editor for the South Peninsula
Amateur Radio Klub (SPARK). He has been a
Webelos Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster and Cubmaster of Pack 92. He has been a Committee
Member and is currently Committee Chair of Troop 92 in Milpitas, California. He is also on
his District's Roundtable staff, where he instructs the Webelos leaders. He writes for the
Scouter Magazine. He and his wife, Kyna, attended Wood Badge course WE3-55-96 in Fall
1996, and he used to be an Antelope.
Gary and Kyna serve on the USSSP, Inc. Board of Directors and Kyna is the USSSP Treasurer. (2/2002)