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Dave Tracewell has been involved in Scouting both as a youth for 10 years,
and as an adult for nearly 18 years. Dave was a Webelo's Leader for two
years, and Scoutmaster for Troop 60 in Stockton, CA for ten years, earning
the Scouter's Key, Training Award, and National Scoutmaster Award of Merit.
He has also served as Scoutmaster and Course Director for two week long
Junior Leader Training courses in the now merged Forty-Niner Council. He has
served on staff for Wood Badge three times in the San Joaquin Cluster in
California and has attended four National Jamboree's as Contingent leader,
Sub-camp Commissioner, and on the Jamboree News team. As the Tokay District Commissioner for 3 1/2
years, Dave earned the District Award of Merit, Commissioner's Arrowhead
Award, Commissioner's Key, and Silver Beaver Award in the Forty-Niner
Council. Dave has also served as a Computer Explorer Post advisor and as
Vice President of Membership in the Forty-Niner and Greater Yosemite Councils. He is
currently serving as a Board Member at large in the Greater Yosemite
Council, and as a Electronics Communications Chairman for the Catholic Committee on Scouting - Camp Fire in Kansas
City, Mo., He is also a member of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting.
He is a Vigil Member of the Taloma Lodge, Order of the Arrow, and has
received their Leaping Deer Award twice. He is also an Honored Warrior in the Tribe of Mic-O-Say. Dave earned recognition from the
Catholic Committee on Scouting in February of 1999, receiving the Bronze
Pelican, an award of honor for working with youth in the Church. Dave has
one Eagle Scout Son, Jason, and two Daughters, Jennifer and Jessica.
Dave started a Bulletin Board Service called The Starbase Scouting BBS in
1987. It was one of the first and longest running "on-line" Scouting BBS's
in the country serving Scouting from 1987 to 1998, Dave also founded the
SCOUTER & SCOUTING Echo conferences on FidoNet, the first electronic
international Scouting conferences which are still in existence today.
Dave currently holds multiple registrations in the Greater Yosemite Council in Modesto, California, The Capitol Area Council in Austin, Texas, and the
Heart of America Council in Kansas City, Missouri. He serves as the webmaster for
the Kansas City / St. Joseph's Catholic Committee on Scouting - Camp Fire
and as Advisor for a virtual Venture Crew in the Capital Area Council in Texas. Besides Scouting, Dave enjoys doing
family Genealogy Research, Astronomy, and Writing. Professionally, Dave is a writer and publisher of Scouting Books and Magazines and owns HONOR Publishing Company.
Dave serves on the USSSP, Inc. Board of Directors and has been the USSSP
President for the last four years. (2/2002)