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Sometimes even the most dedicated of us cyber-junkies can't find everything we want on the World Wide Web and have to resort to a quick trip to the library to find additional resources for program ideas. Over the last year a number of Scouters who participate in the Scouts-L discussion group have suggested several useful books that may be of interest to other Scouters. Some of the material is published by BSA, but most is from private publishers. Some of the information may be incomplete, but hopefully will be sufficient enough to allow you to find the book in a local library. And if you can't find this book in a library, you may be able to use one of bookfinders available on the World Wide Web.
This listing is by no means exhaustive and suggestions are always welcome. Thanks to the many Scouters who suggested these books and other items I have been able to compile this listing. It is a collection of references to existing literature that has been used and recommended by other Scouters. Finally, I should add that inclusion of a book on this list does not indicate that either the Boy Scouts of America, USSSP, or I have endorsed the book or its contents.
In addition to this listing, you may also want to consult the following related bibliographic collections for specialized resource material:
Religious Emblem Program Resource Material
Ledingham, D. Steven,
The Scoutmaster's Guide to Attention Deficit Disorder,
-- available from
Baden-Powell, Lord Robert, Scouting for Boys (Available from the Scout Association, Baden Powell House, Queens Gate, London, England SW75JS
Bassingame, Wyatt, Baden-Powell; Chief Scout of the World, Garrard Pub Co.: Champaign, IL (1966) [RID# OCM007117716].
Drewery, Mary, Window On My Heart, the autobiography of Olave, Lady Baden-Powell
G.B.E., as told to Mary Drewery, Hodder and Stoughton Limited, 1973.
Freedman, Russell, Scouting with Baden-Powell, Holiday House: New York (1967)
[RID# OCM01314805].
Hillcourt, William, Baden-Powell; The Two Lives of a Hero, Putnam: New York (1964) [Now available from the Scouter Journal Magazine at 1-800-Scouter].
Jeal, Tim, Baden-Powell, Century Publishing Co.: London, (1989) [ISBN# 009170670x].
Rosenthal, Michael, The Character Factory: Baden-Powell and the Origins of the Boy Scout Movement, Patheon Books: New York (1986) [ISBN# 0394511697].
Wade, Eileen K,. Olave Baden-Powell: the Authorized Biography of the World Chief Guide
Hoddler and Stoughton: London (1971) [ ISBN# 0340107197].
Boy Scout Meeting Plans. [These items are some of the best items available for a Scoutmaster but like the Cub program helps, most people know nothing about them. Each book has one theme and is intended to cover one month of program. Troop meetings are planned out in detail, as well as 3-5 possible outdoor programs for the end of the month. Everything spelled out in step-by-step fashion. Some pages you can just photocopy and your activity is ready to go, even the words to all the songs are printed in big type for easy reference. These items were originally made available as part of the BSA's Urban Emphasis program, but they are of great use to any new unit. These items are also available in Spanish.].
- Camping #34170
- Citizenship #34171
- Communications #34172
- Community Living #34173
- Conservation #34174
- Cooking #34175
- Environment #34176
- Family Living #34177
- First Aid #34178
- Hiking #34179
- Physical Fitness #34180
- Swimming #34181
Getting ready for Troop Meetings #18-990-4. [A program for the first month of your troop,
with 4 meetings and a hike.]
Guide to Safe Scouting, 1997 edition #34416
Health and Safety Guide, 1997 printing of the 93 copyright #34415
Insignia Guide, 1996 printing of the 1986 copyright #33066
Leadership Training Committee Guide, 1997 Printing of the 1974 copyright #34169A (new title!)
Merit Badge Phamplets - Recently Released - New and/or Revised
- Archaeology No. 35000. Retail: 2.40 ea.
- Backpacking #33232 $2.25
- Climbing No. 35001. Retail: 2.40 ea.
- Cycling #33277, $2.25, replaces #33226.
- Hiking #33407, $2.25, replaces #33380.
- Indian Lore #33360 $2.25
- Whitewater #33405 $2.25
National BSA Advancement Policies and Procedures, Revised 1997 #33088A (neat new cover and title!)
Troop/Team Record Book #34508, $3.90, replaces #34510.
Troop Committee Guidebook, No. 34505A. Minor revision of 34505.
Woods Wisdom (1995).
Boy Scout Roundtable Commissioner Training, No. 34256
Boy Scout Roundtable Planning Guide, No. 7263A
College of Commissioner Science, No. 34522
Commissioner Administration of Unit Service, No. 34120 (1994) (For DCs and
ADCs - This is an absolute must for DCs and ADCs)
Commissioner Basic Training Manual, No. 33614
Commissioner Conference, No. 33616
Commissioner Fieldbook for Unit Service, No. 37123 (For UCs)
Commissioner Helps for Packs, Troops and Posts, No. 33618
Commissioner Job Description Cards, No. 34265
Commissioner Unit Service Booklet #34119
Continuing Education for Commissioners, No. 33615 (1995) (Supercedes College of
Commissioner Science and Commissioner Conference)
Cub Scout Roundtable Planning Guide, No. 34249
Cub Scout Roundtable Staff Guide, No. 33013
Highlights for District Commissioners... An Overview, No. 37123 (For DCs and
Hightlights of District Operations: Helping Units Succeed and Recruiting District
Volunteers, AV-06V002 (Video Tape)
Highlights of District Volunteer Recruiting, No. 37130
Scouting's Library of Literature No. 33000
Selecting District People No. 34514
Self-Evaluation for Unit Commissioners and Exploring Service Team Members, No.
The Commissioner (Newletter distributed quarterly to Council Commissioners and
Scout Executives), No. 14-975
The Unit Commissioner's Orientation: Helping Units Succeed, AV-04V001 (Video
Unit Commissioner Program Notebook, No. 26-006
Unit Commissioner Work Sheet (Pack), No. 34125
Unit Commissioner Work Sheet (Post), No. 33619
Unit Commissioner Work Sheet (Troop), No. 34126
The Cub Scout Achievement Trail for Parents, No. 33821
Cub Scout Magic Book #33210 $7.95
Cub Scout Meeting Plans. [These items are some of the best items available for a new Pack Leader or Den Leader but most people know nothing about them. Each book has two themes and is intended to cover four months of program. Each Den AND Pack meeting is planned out in detail. Everything spelled out in step-by-step fashion. Some pages you can just photocopy and your activity is ready to go, even the words to all the songs are printed in big type for easy reference. These items were originally made available as part of the BSA's Urban Emphasis program, but they are of great use to any new unit. These items are also available in Spanish.].
- "Bobcat and Wolf" / "Wolf in the Den" #8263A
- "Our Neighborhood" / "All About People" #34203
- "Cub Scout Chefs" / "Who Am I?"#34212
- "Community Carnival" / "Sports Heroes" #34211
Highlights District Advancement Committee Pamphlet #34724, $0.75,
BSA, Scouting for Mentally Retarded #33059
BSA, Relationships Division, Eagle Scout Scholarship Application, No. 15-253.
Career Specialties:
- Aviation #34626
- Disabilities #33674
- Engineering #33680
- Exploring Program Development Guide #23-909C (1995)
- Fire #34606 also 23-327
- General Interest #34261
- Health Careers #34628
- High Adventure#34500
- Inner-City/Rural #33145
- Law #34498
- Law Enforcement #34609
- Sea Exploring #33239
- Sports # [number unknown]
Exploring Sports Helps #34641
Exploring High Adventure Program Guide #34503, $5.00, replaces
Law Enforcement Exploring Proficiency Award Progress Chart
#33729, $1.65, replaces #33728.
BSA, Ladies 1910 Society Brooches #19114, 115, 116, 117
BSA, Local Council Articles of Incorporation #33736
BSA, JLT Conference Guide #34533
BSA, JLTC Staff Guide #34533 (1995)
BSA, Insignia Guide, No. 003064 (1995).
Johnson, Mark, The Complete Bugler, RSV Products, Box 26, Hopkins, MN 55343 (Comes with an audio tape).
Bowen, Douglas R., Creative Campfires, Thorn Printing Co.: Nampa, Idaho (1974)(From Cache Valley, Redwood Area and Ore-Ida Councils) (This one is still available at Scout Shops).
BSA, Fun Around the Campfire (1952) (Out of print, but ask around your area to see whether any old timers have a copy at Roundtable).
Harriot, Ray, Stories for Around the Campfire, Campfire Publishing Co.: Laurel, MD
Henderson, James T., A Thousand Campfires, A Scouter's Story, Ambush Publishing: San Angelo, Texas (1991) (This is an autobiography, but tells about some really great Campfires).
Seton, Julia M., Trail and Campfire Stories, Seton Village Press: Santa Fe (1968) (It is stocked by many libraries and may still be available at some book stores).
All the Applause We Could Find (Available from Scouter Journal Magazine at 1-800-SCOUTER)
American Legion, Commission on Americanism, Let's Be Right on Flag Etiquette (1990).
Bowman, Michael F. and James Bryant, A Scout's Duty to God and Country, 4th Ed. Gilwell Spirit Press Ó 1996 (Available from the authors for $20, send an e-mail to Jim Bryant for details)
Kennon, Donald R. and Mary Lee Kerr, The Flag of the United States and State Flags, Seals & Mottos, United States Capitol Historical Society (1989).
Boy Scout Handbook, 10th ed., 1990. [RFB #SN: DQ135] [This 10th Ed., 1990 is available on tape from RFB--Recordings for the Blind, 20 Roszel Road, Princeton, NJ 08540. The telephone number is 1-800-221-4792
Gurian, Michael, The Wonder of Boys, What Parents, Mentors, and Educators Can Do To Shape Boys into Exceptional Men.
Schoel, Jim and Mike Stratton, eds., Gold Nuggets (Reading for Experimental Education) Project Adventures, Inc. P. O. Box 100, Hamilton, MA 01936 508-468-7981 or P.O. Box 2447, Covington, GA 30209 404-784-9310 [ISBN 0-934387-09-5]
Stein , Fancis E., A Back Pocket Full Of Values: A practical guide for Facilitating Ethical Decision Making Skills and Values Awareness Stategies, (Out of Print) (Scouter Rob White is organizing an effort to reprint this useful book. He may be contacted at Rob White, 2134 Woodbourne Avenue, Louisville, KY or by sending an e-mail to: Rob White ) [This book is a 146 page collection of activities, scoutmaster's minutes, Eagle Charges, quotations, poems, and songs full of values. There are several speeches by Baden-Powell, wisdom and writings of Native Americans, prayers, codes of conduct, american heritage, leadership, Woodbadge skills, and much much more.].
Angier, Bradford, How to Stay Alive in the Woods, 1998.
Rehnke, Karle, Bag of Tricks, Candle Hunt [Quarterly Newsletter $12.50/year] [1-800-228-0810]
Rehnke, Karle, Bottomless Bag Again, Candle Hunt [ISBN: 0840387571][$32.50]
Rehnke, Karle, Bottomless Baggie [ISBN: 0840368135][$18.50] [1-800-228-0810]
Handbook of American Indian Games, No. 24837-2, Dover
Indian Boyhood No. 22037-0, Dover
Indian Scout Craft & Lore No.22995-5, Dover
Mails, Thomas E. Mystic Warriors of the Plains, Koshare Indian Museum, 115 West 18th Street, P. O. 580, La Junta, Colorado 81050
Parker, Arthur C., The Indian How Book, Dover [ISBN 0-486-21767-1]
Birdseye, Tim, A Kid's Guide to Building Forts, Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Childress, Casey and Linda McKenzie, A Kid's Guide to Collecting Baseball Cards, Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Klein, Bill, A Kid's Guide to Finding Good Stuff, Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Ashley, Clifford W,. The Ashley Book of Knots, Doubleday & Co.: Garden City, NY (1944) [7000 drawings representing over 3900 knots] [ISBN 0-385-04025-3][$60]
Findley, Gerald. Ropeworks
Raleigh Duane. Knots and Ropes for Climbers.
The Morrow Guide to Knots, ed. by Mario Bigon and Guido
Regazzoni. [ISBN 0-688-01226-4]
Kaagan, Stephen S., Leadership
Games, SAGE, ISBN # 0-7619-1721-7. Includes the following:
- Ways of Thinking About Leadership Development
- Cueing the Exercises
- Exercises on Risking Innovation
- Exercisies on Fostering Collaboration
- Exercisies on Managing Conflict
- Exercisies on Using Diversity
- The Exercisies in Play: A Story of Real Organizational Change
- Conclusion
Be Expert with Map and Compass.
Jacobson, Cliff, The Basic Essentials of Map and Compass, ICS Books, Inc.
Biesiot, Elizabeth, Natural Treasures Field Guide for Kids , Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Jorgenson, Lisa, Grand Trees of America, Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Murie, Olaus J., A Field Guide to Animal Tracks (Peterson Field Guide Series); Houghton Mifflin
Nail, James D., Whose Tracks are these? , Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Robertson, Kayo, Signs along the River , Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Schmidt, Gerald D., Let's go fishing , Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Whitefeather, Willy, Willy Whitefeather's Outdoor Survival Handbook for Kids, Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Whitefeather, Willy, Willy Whitefeather's River Book for Kids, Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 5455 Spine Rd., Mezzanine West, Boulder, CO 80301-3345
Delman, Elisa and Steven, The Boy Scout Council Shoulder patch Guide" 1997 Edition. A Tour of Councils Through Their Patches, S & E Publishing Co., 5 Beaver Dam Rd., Pomona, NY 10970 914-362-1800 (Tel) 914-362-3252 (Fax) email: s&
Gilcraft, Pioneering,. 1943 (Out of Print)
Sweet, John, Scout Pioneering, British Scouting Association, 1982 (Available from Scouts Canada - Scout Shops - Catalog No. 20-606/82)
Sweet, John, Pioneering in Town and Country, British Scouting Association (May be available from Scouts Canada - Scout Shops)
Thurman, John, Pioneering with Spars and Tackles, 1957 (Out of Print)
Pennington, Randy and Mark Bodman, On My Honor, I Will . . ., Pennington Performance Group: Dallas, TX 972-980-9857 or 800-779-5296 (US only) [Can be purchased at Amazon Books or at Pennington Group Online.
Kitchens, Sheila, Skits for Children, Rutledge Books, 800-278-8533 for $11.95 + $3.50 shipping. (has over 100 skits (some old favorites+ some new) plus some run-ons..-- also tips on props, scenery, make-up & costumes)
Skits n' Stuff, Books-by-Mail, 2600 Allen Road South, Charlotte,
NC 28269-4606. Phone (704) 596-4770. Price $4.95.
Gilpatrick, Gil, Building Snowshoes, DeLorme Publishing Co. [ISBN 0-89933-001-0]
Dobie, J. Frank, I'll Tell You A Tale
Dobie, J. Frank, Tales of Old Time Texas
London, Jack, Tales of the Northland
McManus, Patrick, The Good Samaritan Strikes Again
Encyclopedia of Icebreakers, University Associates: San Diego [400+ pages of activities]
[ISBN: 0-89889-005-5].
Fluegelman, Andrew, New Games and More Games, Doubleday Publishing Co.
Pfeiffer, William J. ed., Encyclopedia of Group Activities: 150 Practical Designs for Successful Facilitating, Pfeiffer & Co. (1989) [ISBN: 0883902311][$99.95].
Rehnke, Karle, Cowtails and Cobras II [ISBN: 0840354347][$18.50]. [This book is about leadership and discusses leadership programs.]
Rehnke, Karle, Silver Bullets: A Guide to Initiative Problems, Adventure Games and Trust Activities, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. (1984) [ISBN 0-8403-5682-X][$18.50].
Whitfield, Paul, Leadership and Teamwork, 1-800-600 6996 FAX at 604- 520-1610, $16.95CAN [~$12.50US] plus $3 postage and handling.
Wolfe, Tom, Creative Canes and Walking Sticks; A Schiffer Book for Woodcarvers, 1995 [ISBN# 0-88740-885-0]