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The Jungle Book and Cub Scouting

Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, based Cub Scouting on one of the stories in Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book. It was called "Mowgli's Brothers." We know it as "The Story of Akela and Mowgli." A copy of part of the story is in the Wolf Cub Scout Book. The story is continued in the Bear Cub Scout Book. A part of the story is also in the Cub Scout Leader Book. (The Jungle Book and other Rudyard Kipling books are described at the Penguin Books website.) Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling
BSA Cub Scouting has drawn upon the adventure and lore of the Native American, just as Seton's Native American lore influenced Boy Scouting; but a strong influence from Kipling's Jungle Book still remains. The words "Law of the Pack," "Akela," "Wolf Cub," " Grand Howl,""den," and "pack" all come from the Jungle Book. The gold and silver arrows, Webelos, and Arrow of Light are taken from our Native American heritage.

Jungle Book Names

The following may be of interest to Scouters not familiar with the Jungle Book nomenclature. It is a table of accepted pronunciations obtained from All the Mowgli Stories; Doubleday, 1936 and from Dee LaRock. These names are used in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and many other countries.

Characters in the Story

AkelaAh-ky-la*h* (the Father Wolf, leader of the Pack)
BagheeraBa*r*-gheer-a*h*; in history (the Panther)
BalooBaa-loo (the Bear)
BandarlogBúnder-logue (the Monkey People)
HathiHuttee or H*r*-ty
KaaKar, with a sort of gasp in it. (the Python)
MowgliMow(as in "cow")-gly (the Boy)
Rikki-tikki-tavi Rikky-tikky-tay-vy
Shere KhanShare-karn (Tiger)
TabaquiTar-bár-kee (the Jackal)
ThaCreator of the jungle

Names Used in Cub Scout Packs

The following (also from the same source) is a list of "Jungle Names for the Cub Pack".
Names held "Ex Officio"
Akela Cubmaster
Baloo Assistant Cubmaster
Bagheera Assistant Cubmaster
RakshaAssistant Cubmaster
Black PlumeSixers (UK)
Brown TipSixers (UK)
Grey BrotherSixers (UK)
Red FangSixers (UK)
Tawny Fur Sixers (UK)
WhiteClawSixers (UK)
Sahi (the Porcupine) Pack Scribe (UK)
White HoodPack Storekeeper (UK)
Names Awarded for Prowess in Cub Activities
Ahdeek (the Reindeer)Team Games
Apukwa (the Bulrush)Weaving
Blue SmokeSignalling
Chil (The Kite) Singing
Crimson ArrowThrowing and catching
Dahinda (the Bull-frog)Leapfrog, cartwheels, etc.
Ferao (the Scarlet Woodpecker) Woodwork.
Golden Quill Artist.
Hawkeye Observation.
Hiawatha All-round athletics.
Iagoo (the Story-teller) Telling stories.
Jacala (the Crocodile) Acting.
Kaa (the Python) Tree-climbing.
Karela (the Bitter Vine) Knotting.
Keego (the Fish) Swimming.
Keneu (the Great War Eagle) Running.
Kotick (the Seal) Wrestling.
Kwasin (the Strong Man) Boxing.
Limmerskin (the Wren) Message-carrying.
Little Beaver Lair-building.
Mysa (the Wild Buffalo) Good hearing.
Nag (the Cobra) First Aid.
Nushka ("Look!") Guide.
Oonai (the Wolf) Reciting.
Pukeena (the Grasshopper) High Jump.
Scarlet Feather Fire-lighting.
Sea Catch (the Seal) Diving.
Shaw-shaw (the Swallow) Skipping.
Singum (the Lion) Book-carrying.
Rann (the Eagle) Good eyesight.
Tilji-pho (the Lark) Musician.
Toomai Folk-dancing.
Wabeeno (the Magician) Walking the Plank.
Wawbeck (the Rock) Modelling.
White Elk Long Jump.
Won-tolla Hopping.
Names Awarded by Akela at his Discretion
Hathi (the Elephant) Punctual and regular attendance.
Jeebi (the Ghost) Fattest Cub.
Kim (Little friend of all the world) Helpfulness.
Ko (the Crow) Noisiest Cub.
Mang (the Bat) Obedience.
Mor (the Peacock) Tidiness and cleanliness.
Onaway ("Awake!") Alertness.
Shada (the Pelican) Perseverance.
Rikki-tikki-tavi (the Mongoose) Cheeriness, or Courage.
Mowgli Friend to animals.
Sona (the Himalayan Bear) Good manners.
Suggeema (the Mosquito) Smallest Cub.
Tall Pine Tallest Cub.

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