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Advancement Documents

Cub Scouting
Scouts BSA

A number of Scouters have provided various Spreadsheets, Word Documents, PDF Files, PowerPoint presentations, etc. for use by other Scouters for tracking advancements in the various Scouting sections and a number of forms and publications from BSA are available using the links below.

Some documents and files on our site contain information that may no longer be accurate, and/or reference advancement requirements that have been superseded by newer requirements, such as the Cub Scout advancement requirements that were effective until May 31, 2015, and the Venturing award requirements that were used until December 31, 2014.  To see those documents and files, Click Here

Lone Scouts

  • Lone Scouts include:
    • Children of American citizens who live abroad
    • Exchange students away from the United States for a year or more
    • Boys with disabilities that might prevent them from attending regular meetings of packs or troops
    • Boys in rural communities who live far from a Scouting unit
    • Boys who alternate living arrangements with parents who live in different communities

  • Cub Scouting

    Advancement Tracking Spreadsheets by Scott Selhorst (right-click on these links and save to your hard drive).
    These spreadsheets track Cub Scout advancement under the current requirements.

    Advancement Requirements
    For use at the DEN level
    Excel Format
    ZIP compressed
    Lion - Version 1.10
    {revised October, 2022}
    Lion_Tracker_v1.10.xlsx (204KB) (128KB)
    Tiger - Version 4.3
    {revised August, 2023}
    Tiger_Tracker_v4.3.xlsx (329KB) (238KB)
    Wolf - Version 4.3
    {revised August, 2023}
    Wolf_Tracker_v4.3.xlsx (348KB) (245KB)
    Bear - Version 4.3
    {revised August, 2023}
    Bear_Tracker_v4.3.xlsx (344KB) (243KB)
    Webelos and AOL- Version 3.4
    {revised August, 2023}
    Webelos_AOL_Tracker_v3.4.xlsx (632KB) (532KB)
    Award Requirements
    For use at the PACK level
    Excel Format
    ZIP compressed
    Cub Awards Tracking - Version 1.7
    {revised August, 2022}
    Cub_Awards_Tracking_v1.7.xlsx (124KB) (69KB)
    Summertime Activity Award Version 1.7
    {revised May, 2023}
    Summertime_Award_v1.7.xlsx (59KB) (48KB)
    All spreadsheets in a single ZIP compressed File:
    {revised August, 2023} (1501KB)

    Cub Scout Advancement Changes

    The Boy Scouts of America replaced major portions of the Cub Scout Advancement Program as of June 1, 2015.  On November 30, 2016, BSA announced further modifications to the program, based on a review of the program after a year of implementation. Changes were made to requirements for the Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light badges and the Adventures for those ranks. No changes were made to the Bobcat requirements.  The following is quoted from the report of the Task Force that conducted the review:

    With one year of experience, feedback suggests that the new design of the Cub Scout program did successfully address many original concerns, but also indicates an opportunity for further modifications. Cub advancement was down after the first year of implementation and we know that correlates to lower member satisfaction and subsequently, lower retention. Some Den Leaders are having difficulty fitting all the Adventures required for advancement into their program year given their number of Den meetings and weather/daylight issues for outdoor activities. Overnight camping is a significant hurdle for some. Duty to God requirements connote organized religion to some and are not seen as embracing a belief in God and spirituality outside of specific faiths.

    A task force was formed to draft modifications to the Cub Scout Program that would address this feedback. These modifications are designed to ensure that Adventure requirements are achievable by today’s Cub Scout dens within a program year and achievable by Cub Scouts from a wide range of backgrounds and socio-cultural experiences.

    The revisions were distributed in electronic form (PDF's) to get the material into leaders hands as quickly as possible, with revisions to the Handbooks taking place in later editions. BSA's report, listing the modifications to the requirements can be downloaded here: CUB SCOUT ADVANCEMENT MODIFICATIONS

    The changes have all been incorporated into our Cub Scout advancement web pages and workbooks. In a few cases, the name of the Adventure changed, and a pair of Adventures were swapped between the required and optional lists. For this round of updates, we also provided web pages showing the detailed changes, which in many cases are minor wording changes or rearrangements of the requirements. In addition, web pages (and workbooks) with the previous wording of the requirements are also available. Links to the changes and to the previous requirements can be found near the top of the pages for the current requirements. Links to the previous versions of the workbooks can be found on the pages with the previous requirements.

    Bert Bender has prepared a fabulous detailed summary of the changes, with commentary. A copy can be downloaded by clicking here.

    Cub Scout Advancement Workbooks - Checklists and Workbooks with the current requirements for Cub Scout Rank Advancements, Cub Scout Adventures, and the Nova and Supernova Awards. These workbooks are developed and maintained by the USSSP. The workbooks are designed to be "fillable" PDF forms, Scouts can download the files to a local computer, enter information on them, and save the work, or may print them and enter the information by hand. We have successfully tested these on Windows based computers using a number of PDF reader programs, but have not been able to test them on "Mac" computers.

    Keep in mind that these workbooks are OPTIONAL aides, and that each Scout must complete the requirements as written.  If the requirement says "Show, "Demonstrate", or "Discuss", then that is exactly what the Scout must do.  He should use the workbooks to prepare notes to himself, and should not assume that filling in the workbook is sufficient to earn the badge.

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    Scouts BSA

    Scouts-BSA Advancement Tracking Spreadsheet by Scott Selhorst and Paul Wolf.
    This Excel spreadsheet tracks Scouts BSA advancement under the current requirements, including all ranks, all merit badges, up to 9 Eagle Palms (the 3rd Silver Palm), Nova and Supernova Awards, Aquatics, Hiking, Environmental, and Scoutcraft emblems, Outdoor Badges, High Adventure Awards, and many of the other "Special Opportunities" available to Scouts. The file can be downloaded as either a spreadsheet (xlsx) or compressed folder (.zip) using the links. below.  Please report any errors, omissions, or suggestions to Scott.

    Excel Format ZIP compressed
    Scouts_BSA_tracker_v1.7.xlsx (476KB) (241KB)

    Merit Badge Chart - This is a PDF file of a chart that shows all of the 137 current Merit Badges offered by BSA displayed in a table in alphabetical order. Each badge is shown with the BSA ID Number and the badge name. The chart can be printed full size on an 11"x17" sheet, at a reduced scale on a standard letter size (8.5"x11") page, or oversize as a poster on a 22"x34" sheet (as a substitute for the "Merits of Scouting" poster formerly available from BSA.).   

    Sample Merit Badge Application - This is a sample of a completed Merit Badge Application (34124A) "Blue Card" with instructions for the Scout, Counselor, and Unit Leader on how it should be completed.

    Power Point Presentation on Scouting for the DisAbledby Terry Thrasher

    Power Point Presentation for Eagle Scout Candidates by Mike Walton

    This is a set of worksheets that you can use to gather all of the information you will need to fill out your Application for Eagle Scout Rank Award.  It has been updated to reflect the 2014 Requirements, including the changes regarding the Sustainability and Cooking merit badges

    Trail to Eagle Presentations - submitted by James Eager- Gulf Ridge Council and Joe Larkin - Central Florida Council

    A series of PowerPoint Presentations and handouts on the process of advancing from Life Scout to Eagle Scout.  This series of documents has been updated to reflect current practices compliant with the 2013 Guide to Advancement, the current Eagle Service Project Workbook, and the most recent changes to the requirements for Eagle Scout. The handouts are PDF versions of the PowerPoint presentations.  (Note, however, that the application form used to prepare the slides does not include Cooking as a required merit badge, since the new form was not available when the slides were prepared.)

    Trail to Eagle Overview PowerPoint Handout
    Project Ideas PowerPoint Handout
    The Eagle Service Project Workbook PowerPoint Handout
    The Eagle Application PowerPoint Handout
    What to Expect at the Eagle Board of Review PowerPoint Handout
    The Eagle Board of Review PowerPoint Handout
    Planning the Eagle Court of Honor PowerPoint Handout

    Power Point Presentation for Explaining the Eagle Project Planning Process by Kris Sorenson, Calumet Council, Ridge Trails District Advancement Committee

    This presentation was developed by the Calumet Council, Ridge Trails District Advancement Committee and has been made available through the US Scouting Service Project with permission. It is recommended that a copy of the Eagle Application and Project Workbook be handed out during the presentation, along with copies of slides 24-34 of the presentation.

    Venture Program Powerpoint Presentation by Cooper Wright (Updated 12/8/2002) This discusses the use of a Venture Patrol within Scout Troops. That Group has been renamed the "Older Scout Patrol".  The term "Venture Patrol" is obsolete. However, the material in the presentation is otherwise still vald.

    Merit Badge Counselor Orientation Powerpoint Presentation, developed and submitted by Jeff Glaze for the Hightower Trail District, Atlanta Area Council.

    Merit Badge Counselor Database for Districts and Councils. These are ZIP files (approx 100 KB each), developed by James Eager, of the Thunderbird District, Gulf Ridge Council, containing 3 files: (1) An empty Access Data Base, (2) An rtf file with instructions, and (3) a pdf file of the instructions (the rtf and pdf files contain the exact same information).  The RTF file can be opened by most word processing programs, like MSWord, WordPerfect, etc. The database is for tracking Merit Badge counselors within a District. The one minor stipulation on it's use is spelled out in the documentation (one small piece may not be changed, to allow people to contact the author for changes / updates). Anyone wishing to use this program will need a copy of any version of Microsoft Access from version 97 onwards. There are two different versions, depending on the version of Access you will be using.
    Download this version if you are going to use Access 97, Access 2000, or Access 2002
    Download this version if you are going to use Access 2003 or later

    Eagle Scout Rank Application and Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook

    BSA has PDF versions of the Eagle Scout Rank Application (No 512-728), and the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (No. 512-927) on their site. They can be used as the forms submitted to BSA for an Eagle Scout candidate.

    Eagle Scout Rank Application (No 512-728)
    Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook (No.512-927) This link takes you to a page with instructions for downloading and using the current workbook, which is available in both PC and MAC versions.

    Eagle Scout Reference Requests. These are sample form letters, that can be used by a District or Council Advancement Committee for requesting References from the individuals identified on an Eagle Scout Candidate's Application form.  They include a copy of the Scout Oath and Law for use as a basis for evaluating the Scout's qualities.  One version is designed to be mailed to the references by the Council or District. The second is designed to be given to the Scout, who can then give them to the references personally, when he asks if they would be willing to provide the reference.  In either case, the letter should be accompanied by a self addressed stamped envelope, addressed to the District or Council Advancement Committee or Eagle Board of Review Chairman, which should be used for forwarding the references in a confidential manner.

    Reference Letter 1 (For mailing by District or Council)
    Reference Letter 2 (For hand delivery by the Scout)

    Comparison between the 2015 and 2016 Boy Scout Rank Requirements This is a simple table showing the correlations between the new (2016) and previous (2015) Boy Scout Rank Requirements. For each rank, where all or part of a current requirement replaces all or part of an old requirement, the requirement number of the old requirement is shown in the "previous" column. If there is no entry in the "Previous" column, that requirement is new, and has no corresponding previous requirement. So, for example, new Scout rank requirement 1a compares to the previous Scout joining requirement 7, new Scout requirement 1b has no comparable equivalent in the old requirements, new Scout requirement 3b was previously Tenderfoot requirement 8, new Tenderfoot requirements 3b & 3c were different parts of previous Tenderfoot Requirement 4b, etc.

    Advancement Workbooks - 2016 Requirements  These are workbooks, similar to the Merit Badge workbooks below, for use by Scouts working toward the various ranks or Eagle Palms, using the new (2016) requirements. They are available in DOCX or PDF format.  Scouts working on the OLD (2015) requirements should use the workbooks in the lists below..

    Scout Word Format PDF Format
    Tenderfoot Word Format PDF Format
    Second Class Word Format PDF Format
    First Class Word Format PDF Format
    Star Word Format PDF Format
    Life Word Format PDF Format
    Eagle Word Format PDF Format
    Eagle Palms Word Format PDF Format

    Advancement Workbooks for Scout through Tenderfoot. - 2015 Requirements  These are workbooks, similar to the Merit Badge workbooks below, for use by Scouts working toward the Joining Requirements (Scout badge) and the first three ranks (Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class). They are available in DOCX or PDF format.  Scouts working on the NEW (2016) requirements should use the workbooks in the list above.

    Scout Word Format PDF Format
    Tenderfoot Word Format PDF Format
    Second Class Word Format PDF Format
    First Class Word Format PDF Format

    Advancement Checklists for Star through Eagle Palms  - 2015 Requirements.  These checklists are designed to be similar to the advancement workbooks we've provided, for use by Scouts working toward the higher ranks (Star, Life, and  Eagle), and Eagle Palms.

    Star Word Format PDF Format
    Life Word Format PDF Format
    Eagle Word Format PDF Format
    Eagle Palms Word Format PDF Format

    Boy Scout Nova and Supernova Award Workbooks - These are workbooks, similar to the Merit Badge workbooks below, for use by Scouts working toward the Boy Scout Nova and Supernova Awards. They are available in DOCX or "fillable" PDF format.

    Merit Badge Workbooks

    Click Here For a complete list of workbooks with the current requirements for all current merit badges.  The workbooks were originally developed by a number of different Scouting volunteers for their local units and provided to the USSSP for use by all Scouts.  They are now developed and maintained by the USSSP.  The current versions of these workbooks are available in "fillable" PDF and DOCX formats. Scouts can download the files to their home computers, enter information on them, and save their work, or print them and enter the information by hand.

    In addition to the workbooks, we have a group of documents, forms, and checklists that can be used by Scouts working on some of the merit badges, or for general use. All of these are included as attachments to the workbooks for the merit badges to which they apply, but they are also available for separate use.

    • Documents
      • BSA Safe Swim Defense - DOCX or PDF - For all swimming and aquatics merit badges
      • BSA Safety Afloat - DOCX or PDF - For all aquatics merit badges
      • BSA Wilderness Use Policy, Principles of Leave No Trace, and Outdoor Code - DOCX or PDF for all camping related merit badges
      • BSA Water Sports Safety Code - DOCX or PDF - for Water Sports merit badge
    • Forms
      • Fingerprint Card- DOCX or PDF - for use in the Fingerprinting merit badge or by parents for child identification
      • Pedigree Chart - DOCX or PDF for use in Genealogy merit badge
      • Family Group Record Chart - DOCX or PDF for use in Genealogy merit badge
    • Checklists
      • Bicycle Safety Checklist - DOCX  or PDF for use in Cycling merit badge
      • Home Electrical Safety Inspection Checklist - DOCX or PDF for use in Electricity merit badge
      • Home Energy Audit Checklist - DOCX or PDF for use in Energy merit badge
      • Home Safety Checklist - DOCX or PDF for use in Crime Prevention merit badge
      • Home Safety Checklist - DOCX or PDF for use in Fire Safety, Emergency Preparedness, and Safety merit badges

    We also have a group of images of graph paper, maps, and a page of blank music staves which can be downloaded.  All of the images, which are used in the workbooks, are in GIF format.

    Fly Fishing Questions and Answers used for teaching the Merit Badge

    Citizenship in the Community PowerPoint Presentation used for teaching the Merit Badge, prepared by Tamie Balderrama

    Quizzes on First Aid, the Flag, Citizenship, and Knots, developed by Gene von Rosenberg

    Scout Spirit Scavenger Hunt.  A worksheet for Scouts to use to prepare for discussion of Scout Spirit at their Scoutmaster Conferences, developed by Rick Seymour

    Essay on Advancement by John M. Teske, Southern Trails Advancement Chairman

    Advancement Forms

    The following documents and forms and many others can be found on the BSA Advancement Resources Web page: (

    Application for Merit Badge (reproduces BSA Form 34124) This is a fillable PDF file that allows you to create Merit Badge Application "Blue Cards" with name(s), merit badge names and unit and counselor information. As you enter the information, it inserts the same information correctly in all other appropriate places on the form. The cards can then be printed front and back on 8 1/2" x 11" card stock (3 per sheet).

    Merit Badge Counseling - based on BSA Form 34520
    A Guide for Counselors - Word document developed by Mike Poretsky

    Miscellaneous Documents

    A ZIP file of all of the GIFS of the current Merit Badges and a text file listing the Merit Badges and the BSA assigned numbers and the file names of the GIFS.  The Text file can be viewed by CLICKING HERE.

    Eagle Light Box Presentation - This is a PowerPoint presentation and script that is a digital version of the old light box presentation where the "Voice of the Eagle" explains the various parts of the Eagle medal, which was created by Marquita Serio. Download both the PPT file and the DOC file.

    Powerpoint  slides - PPT File
    Word - script - DOC file

    Mr. D's Merit Badge Review - This is a spreadsheet listing Richard Diesslin's recommendations on each of the current merit badges (Current as of August 27, 2015), listing the number of requirements, difficulty, how long it should take to complete, any prerequisites, and general comments.  The spreadsheet is available as a PDF or Excel file (XLSX ) for download, or as a web page for on-line viewing.

    Excel Spreadsheet (XLSX - 28KB)
    PDF (310KB)
    Web Page

    National Outdoor Award Tracking Spreadsheet - This is an Excel spreadsheet that allows tracking of the requirements for the award and the various segments.  The spreadsheet is in XLSX format, and thus requires use of Excel 2007 or later. Our thanks to Alan Ritter and Dave Ebert, who created this spreadsheet, and to Rob Wirt, who revised it to comply with the 2015 requirements. and has updated it recently (April, 2018),  The current version is version 4.0.

     Excel Spreadsheet (275KB)

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    Venturing Nova and Supernova Award Workbooks - These are workbooks, similar to the Merit Badge workbooks described above, for use by Venturers and Sea Scouts working toward the Venturing Nova and Supernova Awards. They are available in DOCX or "fillable" PDF format.

    Power Point Presentation on Scouting for the DisAbled by Terry Thrasher

    Venturing First Aid - When Help is Delayed supplied by Russell Holeman. (411KB)
    Here is the description he provided:

    One of the requirements in the Venture Ranger Award program is to participate in a When Help is Delayed or an equivalent course. I had a difficult time trying to get my crew members scheduled into the local Red Cross - When Help is Delayed training. As a result of this, I have compiled information from the Boy Scout First Aid Training, Red Cross First Aid Training, and Red Cross - When Help is Delayed into a session called "Venturing First Aid - When Help is Delayed." This is a power point presentation which is designed to be presented at a crew meeting or during a one hour training session at a campout.

    Links to Other Power Point Presentations (These are NOT on the USSSP site)

    Venturing Adult Leader Basic Training (Generic Venturing version)
    Venturing Adult Leader Basic Training (Sea Scouting version)

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    Page updated on: October 13, 2022

    Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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