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Baloo's Bugle

October 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 3
November 2007 Theme

Theme: Indian Nations
Webelos: Craftsman & Readyman
Tiger Cub
Requirement 5


Many Native American games and contests had songs associated with them. Songs were also often connected with stories, many of which were told to explain natural occurrences, and which were repeated down thru many generations.

The Tomahawk Song

Baltimore Area Council

Tune: One Bottle Pop, Two Bottle Pop/The More We Get Together

One tomahawk, two tomahawk,

Three tomahawk, four tomahawk,

Five tomahawk, six tomahawk,

Seven, seven tomahawk.

Fish and chips and buffalo,

Buffalo, buffalo.

Fish and chips and buffalo,

Pepper, pepper, pepper, pop!

Don’t put your muck in my tepee,

My tepee, my tepee.

Don’t put your muck in my tepee,

My tepee’s full.

Cub Scout Indians

Baltimore Area Council

Tune: On Top of Old Smokey

Down in the basement of the den leader’s house,

The Cub Scouts were working as still as a mouse.

They made bows and arrows and headdresses, too,

They were going to be Indians:Cree, Blackfoot and Sioux.

They painted their headbands red, green and blue

And some of the Cub Scouts had painted arms too.

They made shields and breechcloths and moccasins, too,

And a big Indian tepee, large enough to walk through,

Pack meeting night came. They arrived on the scene;

All dressed up like Indians, painted red, blue and green.

They danced and sang loud chants around the campfire,

They had Indian contests; no one seemed to tire.

The room was all filled with excitement and noise.

No one could believe that these Indians were boys.

When the young Indians got home, the parents all said,

They were glad that their boys were Cub Scouts instead.

Indian Taps

Baltimore Area Council

Tune: Taps

Great spirit come,

With beat of drum,

Journey now,

With each one,

Great spirit please,

Till each one,

Of your tribe,

Reach their tepees,

The Pilgrims Came

Baltimore Area Council

Tune: ”Yankee Doodle”

The Pilgrims came across the sea

From England far away;

And now we always think of them

When it’s Thanksgiving Day.

The Mayflower was their sailing ship,

Across the waves and foam, I

They landed here on Plymouth Rock,

And this was their new home.

The bitter winter was so hard

That many Pilgrims died,

By spring they had some growing crops,

And Indian friends besides.

When harvest time came they were glad;

They had learned many things,

The Indians joined them in a feast,

Their first Thanks giving.

Sane folks think that they were sad,

I think that they were gay,

We thank the Pilgrims every one

For our Thanksgiving Day.

Akela’s Council

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Tune:  Clementine

When Akela holds his Council,

And the campfire’s all aglow,

We’ll form a friendship circle,

As we sing so sweet and low.

O Akela, Brave Akela,

True and fair Cub Scouts we’ll be,

To our Promise and the Pack Law

We will pledge our loyalty.

Praise And Thanksgiving

Heart of America Council

 (Tune – Morning has broken)

Praise and thanksgiving, Father we offer,

for all things living thou madest good;

Harvest of sown fields, fruits of the orchard

hay from the mown fields, blossom and wood.

Bless thou the labor we bring to serve thee,

that with our neighbor we may be fed.

Sowing or tilling, we would work with thee;

Harvesting, milling, for daily bread.

Father, providing food for thy children,

thy wisdom guiding teaches us share

one with another, so that rejoicing

with us, our brother may know thy care.

Then will thy blessing reach every people;

all men confessing thy gracious hand.

Where thy will reigneth no man will hunger;

thy love sustaineth; fruitful the land.

Akela Chief

Heart of America Council

 (Tune: Muffin Man )

Do you know the Akela Chief,

The Akela Chief, the Akela Chief,

Do you know the Akela Chief

That lives at Council Ring?

Yes, I know the Akela Chief,

The Akela Chief, the Akela Chief,

Yes, I know the Akela Chief

Because I’m a Cub like you.



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