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Baloo's Bugle

October 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 3
November 2007 Theme

Theme: Indian Nations
Webelos: Craftsman & Readyman
Tiger Cub
Requirement 5


Note on Word Searches, Word Games, Mazes and such – In order to make these items fit in the two column format of Baloo’s Bugle they are shrunk to a width of about 3 inches.  Your Cubs probably need bigger pictures.  You can get these by copying and pasting the picture from the Word version or clipping the picture in the Adobe (.pdf) version and then enlarging to page width.  CD

Indian Nations Word Search

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Look for the names of fifteen Indian Nations hidden in this puzzle.  Names may be found up, down, across or diagonally.

Apache             Cherokee             Chickasaw

Choctaw           Comanche                    Cree

Hopi                   Huron                    Navajo

Omaha               Paiute                  Shawnee

Sioux                   Taos                         Zuni

Note:  There is a great gathering activity called Indian Moons in the CS Program Helps, pg. 2 NOV 07.  Boys (and/or adults) must line up the Indian names for the various Full moons with the month in which they occurred.  There are some really great names, e.g. “Falling Leaf Moon,’ and “Makes branches Fall in Pieces” Moon.  Alice


Thanksgiving Word Search

Heart of America Council

COLONY                COOK                    CORN

FALL                    FAMILY                  FEAST

HARVEST             INDIANS                      PIE

PILGRIMS            PUMPKIN                    SAIL

THANKS               TURKEY

Thanksgiving Word Scramble

Heart of America Council

1. lbobge ___________________________

2. yvrag ____________________________

3. tsafe ____________________________

4. ahnktluf __________________________

5. toeocbr __________________________

6. ciahn ____________________________

7. esirsndg __________________________

8. tea ______________________________

9. dofo _____________________________

10. ebka ____________________________

11. ffigtnsu _________________________

12. yflaim __________________________

13. fllbtaoo _________________________

14. ertyku __________________________

15. vemroneb _______________________

16. ahrsvet _________________________

17. ncro ____________________________

18. diennr __________________________

19. eabdr ___________________________

20. umutna _________________________

21. tufri ____________________________

22. dapear __________________________

23. dhlaioy __________________________

24. allf _____________________________

25. okco ____________________________

26. ikumpnp _________________________

27. iep _____________________________

28. aym ____________________________

29. rcave ___________________________

30. eteeabglsv _______________________


Answers To Word Scramble

1. lbobge Gobble       2. yvrag Gravy

3. tsafe Feast          4. ahnktluf Thankful

5. toeocbr October    6. ciahn China

7. esirsndg Dressing 8. tea Eat

9. dofo Food            10. ebka Bake

11. ffigtnsu Stuffing 12. yflaim Family

13. fllbtaoo Football   14. ertyku Turkey

15. vemroneb November     16. ahrsvet Harvest

17. ncro Corn           18. diennr Dinner

19. eabdr Bread       20. umutna Autumn

21. tufri Fruit           22. dapear Parade

23. dhlaioy Holiday    24. allf Fall

25. okco Cook          26. ikumpnp Pumpkin

27. iep Pie               28. aym Yam

29. rcave Carve       30. eteeabglsv Vegetables

A Corny Game

Baloo’s Archives

Mix this list all up and give copies to everyone as they arrive.  Print the following instructions on the paper: 

"Corn was the most important food the Indians gave us.  Circle everything you believe to be made from corn."

Alcohol                                      Baby foods

Antifreeze          Canned/frozen cornceramics

Candy                                         cosmetics

Chewing gun                                       Dyes

Cookies                                             ether

Cooking oil                                  explosives

Corn syrup                                paperboard

Corn sugar                                        paper

Cornflakes                      insulating materials

Cornmeal                                    medicines

Cornstarch                                        paints

Hominy and grits                    paste and glue

Margarine                          photographic film

Salad dressings                                plastics

Solvents                                         textiles

varnishes                                 safety glass

Yeast                                               soaps


(The answer is everything on the list, of course, but don't reveal that until all have worked their paper.)


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