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Baloo's Bugle

October 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 3
November 2007 Theme

Theme: Indian Nations
Webelos: Craftsman & Readyman
Tiger Cub
Requirement 5



Heart of America Council


2 cups flour

3 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 cup milk


ü  Sift dry ingredients.

ü  Lightly stir in milk.

ü  Add more flour as necessary to make a dough you can handle.

ü  Knead and work the dough on a floured board with floured hands until smooth.

ü  Pinch off fist-sized limps and shape into a disk --

Everyone has their own characteristic shapes.(Shape affects the taste, by the way because of how it fries.

ü  For Indian tacos, the disk must be rather flat, with a depression -- almost a hole -- in the center of both sides. Make it that way if the fry bread is going to have some sauce over it.

ü  Smaller, round ones are made to put on a plate. Fry in fat (about 375? until golden and done on both sides, about 5 minutes.

ü  Drain on absorbent paper.

Spinach Rice Casserole

Heart of America Council


4 cups cooked wild rice 2 lbs washed fresh spinach

4 eggs 2 big bunches green onions

1 tsp salt 1 Cup sunflower seeds

1/2 tsp pepper 4 Tbs chopped parseley

1/2 lb cheese grated fine 2 Tbs sesame seeds

4 Tbs butter


ü  Beat 4 eggs with salt, pepper, stir into rice.

ü  Stir in cheese and parsley.

ü  Tear stems .from spinach and chop these tough stems very fine.

ü  Fry them lightly with 2 big bunches of green onions chopped fine (including most of the green part).

ü  Tear up or chop coarsely the spinach leaves and stir them into the frying pan to wilt a little.

ü  Then stir it all into the rice mix.

ü  Stir in some sunflower seeds.

ü  Taste for seasoning.

ü  Pack into 1 or 2 greased heavy casseroles.

ü  Top with toasted sesame seeds and 2 Tbsp melted butter sprinkled around on top.

ü  Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes, uncovered.

Goes well with sweet-baked squash, pumpkin or
 candied sweet potatoes.

Wild Rice And Grape Salad

Heart of America Council


3 cups cooked rice

1 cup seedless green grapes, halved

1 small can water chestnuts, sliced

1/2 cup celery chopped medium-fine

1 big bunch green onions choppeed medium fine

1/2 cup slivered or sliced almonds

1 cup Hellmans mayo, do not use substitutes


ü  Stir vegetables and mayo into rice,

ü  Stir grapes in gently.

ü  If too thick, thin with a little milk.

ü  Taste for seasoning.

ü  Refrigerated, this will keep several days.

ü  Improves it to make it the day before, so the mayo sinks in and blends a little.

ü  If you do make it in advance, don't add any more seasoning until you taste it the next day.

ü  You can also put leftover chopped up chicken or turkey in this salad, If you're going to take this somewhere, be sure to keep it chilled in a cooler until time to eat.



Heart of America Council


ü  Form cooked wild rice into thick or thin pancakes

ü  Fry in butter.

ü  Serve with maple syrup.

ü  If you don't have any, heating brown sugar, butter and a little water (1 part water to 4 parts brown sugar) makes a better syrup than the kind you buy.

ü  Ricecakes are also good with berry syrups or honey, or at a main meal with butter or gravy..

Bird Stuffing:

Heart of America Council


ü  Fry green onions, celery,

ü  Add chopped nuts, chopped unpeeled apples, chopped dried fruit or berries, sunflower seeds.

ü  Rice stuffing won't absorb fat the way bread stuffing does, but wild birds usually aren't very fat anyway, and neither are small chickens and most turkeys.

ü  Taste stuffing, add whatever seasonings you like with it.

ü  Use no conventional poultry seasonings, and remember too it doesn't need so much salt as regular rice, maybe none.

ü  Remember that one cup of raw rice cooks up to 4, and make an amount somewhat larger than needed to stuff your birds, because people like it a lot,

ü  Put some in a (covered) casserole too.

ü  Before you stuff wild birds wash inside and out very well with water that has baking soda and salt in it, then rinse.

ü  Then rub the cavity with butter.

Gagoonz--Little Porcupines

Heart of America Council


1 lb ground venison or ftaless round steak

1/3 cup uncooked light brown wild rice

1 small onion minced very fine

1 seeded green pepper minced very fine

1 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1 can tomatoes

1 can tomato soup


ü  Combine meat, uncoooked rice, onion, green pepper, salt, pepper, mix thoroughly.

ü  Shape into 1& firm meat balls.

ü  Bring soup and tomatoes in their liquid to a boil in frypan with tight cover,

ü  Put in meat balls, reduce to very slow simmer.

ü  Simmer tightly until done with rice popping out of balls like porky quills -- about 40-45 minutes.

Indian Cornmeal Pudding

Heart of America Council


4 cups milk

1 cup yellow cornmeal

1/4 cup soy grits soaked in 1/2 cup water

1/3 cup butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

2/3 cup light molasses

3/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp cloves

1/4 tsp ginger

1/8 tsp allspice

1/8 tsp nutmeg

1/2 cup fine-chopped dried apples (optional)

2 eggs


ü  In a big pan, bring the milk to a boil,

ü  Then add the cornmeal and soy grits gradually stirring rapidly to keep lumps from forming.

ü  Lower heat and beat vigorously until it starts to get thick (about 5 minutes).

ü  Remove from heat. 

ü  Add butter, sugar, molasses (can use maple syrup) and spices, let cool somewhat.

ü  Stir in 2 beaten eggs.

ü  Pour into buttered baking dish, bake 50-60 minutes at 325°, until pudding is firm.

ü  Serve warm with cream, vanilla ice cream, or plain yoghurt.

If soy grits is used: one serving is about 30% of a day's protein requirement. Some kinds of cornmeal (stone ground) have more protein and other minerals and vitamins, though it depends on where/how it was grown.

Hopi Piki Bread (Traditional)

Heart of America Council


1 c Green juniper ash

Sunflower oil for greasing

1 c Blue cornmeal

1 c Boiling water

3 c room temperature Water

ü  Mix Green juniper ash with boiling water;

ü  Strain juniper ash into pot.

ü  Stir.

ü  Add blue cornmeal.

ü  Stir with wooden spoon or stick.

ü  Let cool.

ü  Spread on hot, greased griddle or stone with palm of hand. Be certain the layer is very thin.

ü  Cook for a very short time.

ü  Carefully lift the paper-thin layer from griddle by rolling from one end to the other jelly-roll fashion.



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