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Baloo's Bugle

October 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 3
November 2007 Theme

Theme: Indian Nations
Webelos: Craftsman & Readyman
Tiger Cub
Requirement 5


Wolf Badge Presentation
(adaptable to any rank)

Heart of America Council

There are some really nice touches in this ceremony that could easily be incorporated into other ceremonies.
Please note the following –

The involvement of the parents in the ceremony

The mention of the Parent’s pin

The encouragement to go for Arrow Points

The charge to the parents to continue to help



Equipment: Red face paint, Wolf Badges.

Prior to using this ceremony, be sure all the parents know what you are going to do

ASSISTANT CUBMASTER: Just as when Akela went into the forest and learned from the Wolf, a Cub Scout in the second grade begins working on the requirements for the Wolf Badge. Cub Scouts learn about Akela and the story of Mowgli and his survival in the jungle. When a boy has completed 12 achievements on the Wolf Trail, in such areas as physical fitness, exploring the world around him, fixing, building, collecting, safety, our Flag, our family and Duty to God, he receives his Wolf Badge

CUBMASTER: Would the following boys and their parents please come forward? Parents please stand behind your son. Read boys’ names.

(After boys are up front)  You have completed all the requirements for your Wolf Badge and have moved along the Cub Scout Trail. Receive now the mark of the Wolf, a RED mark, symbolizing strength and valor.

Mark each boys' face with RED face paint.

ASSISTANT CUBMASTER: (Present Wolf Badges to parents as Cubmaster paints faces.)

It is our pleasure to award your Wolf Badge to your parents, who have been your Akela in completing these requirements.

Parents, please pin the Wolf Badge to your son's left shirt pocket and congratulate him on a 'Job Well Done’.

Parents, as your son's Akela, you are entitled to proudly wear the parent's Wolf pin enclosed with your son's Wolf Badge.

CUBMASTER: Parents, you have played an important roll in your son's advancement to Wolf. Your son will eagerly be wanting to earn Arrow Points to go under his Wolf Badge. For your son to do this he will still be look looking to you as is Akela. Just as your son has committed to the ideals of Cub Scouting by following the Cub Scout Promise I ask you also to make a promise:

ASSISTANT CUBMASTER: Parents, please make the Cub Scout sign and repeat after me:

We will continue to Do our best

To help our sons Along the achievement trail

And to share with them

The work and fun of Cub Scouting.

CUBMASTER: It is my pleasure to congratulate each one of you on earning your Wolf Badge.

Achievement Council

Baltimore Area Council

Personnel: Den Leader, Den Chief, Cubmaster, Advancing Cubs, and Parents

Equipment: Artificial campfire, drum, Indian costumes

Leader: The Cub Scouts are ready for the Indian Achievement Council. (The lights go out, the “fire” is lit, and to the beat of a drum, the Cub Scouts form a circle. Their arms are folded and costumes are worn with pride. Stand in circle until the drum sounds on an extra loud beat, signaling them to be seated. The Cubmaster comes forward, dressed in a blanket and headdress.)

Cubmaster: Let the Chiefs (Den Chiefs) bring forward those who would be Wolves in the tribe. (Brings boys forward.)

Den Chief: Akela, these members of the tribe seek their Wolf Badge.

Cubmaster: Cub Scouts, you have followed wisely the path from Bobcat (or Tiger) to Wolf. You have done much good hunting and if the tribe is ready we will present you with your Wolf Badge

Cub Scouts: We are ready.

Cubmaster: Then let the parents of these tribe members enter the Council Circle. (Parents come forward.) It is you who have guided these tribal members to the honor, which he is about to receive. Cub Scouts, always follow these guides wisely for they can point the way through life. I, Akela, request you to present the Wolf Badge to your own son. (The parents join in presenting the badge and congratulating the boy. Other badges are also awarded to boys receiving awards at all levels. Follow guidelines above.)

Cubmaster: We have come to the close of our ceremony. But, before we close our council circle and put out the fire I have more awards to present. Will each den bring their coup stick (den flag) forward. I will tie a feather on each coup stick, one for each den member who has gained a new rank or passed an achievement this month. Good work, young braves.

Meeting with the Clans

Baltimore Area Council

Personnel: Participants are Akela (Cubmaster) and Clan Leaders (adults).

Equipment: You will need a council fire, shields (Wolf clan and Bear clan), spears (may eliminate use of spears), awards.

Akela: We meet at this council fire to honor the members of this tribe who have passed their tests of skill and knowledge since last we gathered. Warrior of the Wolf Clan, read the names of those braves who have met the requirements to join the Wolf Clan.

Wolf Clan Warrior: I hold the shield and spear of the Wolf Clan. The following braves have met the challenges we set for them. (Read Names.)

Akela: Will these Cub Scouts and their parents (guardians) please approach the council fire. (Cub Scouts and adults come forward.) Warrior, read the challenges these braves have completed. (Read) I ask the Den Leaders, have your braves met their tests?

Den Leaders: (Remaining seated, respond by shaking rattle or beating drum.)

Akela: The sign of the Wolf Clan will be presented to you with honor. Wear it with pride.

Wolf Clan Warrior: (Gives award to parents to present to boy, along with any arrow points that may have been earned.)

Akela: (Announces the names of the boys who are receiving arrow points in addition to badge.)

(For awarding the Bear badges, repeat ceremony substituting the Bear Clan in place of the Wolf Clan. Use Bear shield and spear.)


Akela’s Scale Advancement Ceremony

Baltimore Area Council


Props: Ceremonial board consisting of arrow with three candles on a balance. Advancement awards. Personnel: Cubmaster, Den Chief, Den Leader

Setting: This would be appropriate for inducting Tiger Cubs but can easily be expanded to include presentation of all the rank awards.

Cubmaster: Will the candidates and their parents please come forward and face the pack. (They do so) You boys and your parents have come to be inducted into our Cub Scout family as members of Pack - You are ready to start your adventure along Akela’s trail, together with your friends and their parents.

Here is the arrow (points to ceremonial board) that points the way along the trail. The awards you can earn along the trail are Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Arrow of Light.  The two parts of the Cub Scout program that cannot be seen are the value of things you will learn and the good times you will have. (Lights candle in the middle)  This is the Scale of Akela.  Both the parents and the Cub Scouts are important to keep the scale in balance.

Cubmaster to Den Chief (Name) will you light the candle representing the Cub Scouts? (Lights candle on feather.)

Cubmaster to Den Leader: (Name) will you light the candle for the parents? (Lights candle on arrow point.)

Cubmaster: If the boy does not do his part, the scale is out of balance and the program goes downhill (Removes candle representing boys, then replaces it.) On the other hand, if the parents’ part is taken away, the scale is out of balance in the other direction and the Cub Scout loses his way along Akela’s trail. (Removes candle representing parents, then replaces it.) So, you see, to keep the Cub Scout program in balance, both Cub Scouts and parents must take part in the activities by coming to all the meetings, following the leaders, and advancing from point to point along Akela’s trail.

Now, boys and parents, please repeat the Cub Scout promise with me. (Repeat promise)

(If these same boys have completed the requirements for the Bobcat Award, it is presented at this time.)

(Advancement person can call each group of awards recipients forward with their parents to be presented their badges by the Cubmaster.)

Cubmaster: Congratulations to all our Cub Scouts as they advance along Akela’s trail and thank you to our parents and leaders who make the program come alive for the boys.

Beat The Drum

Heart of America Council

Drum is beating offstage. Drummer needs to have a script to follow. Each time the drum is to beat louder and faster, it gets louder and faster than the last time, building to the loudest and fastest at the end.

Tonight we have a number of young braves who have stalked the Cub Scout forest and returned with great trophies. The drums are telling of the great achievements these Cub Scout have earned. Listen closely (drum beats louder and faster for a short time). Yes, I understand. The drums say that (read names of boys) have earned their Bobcat rank. Bobcats, please come forward with their parents and receive your award.

Some boys have gone further into the forest and found even greater rewards. I think I hear the drums telling of their accomplishments now (drum beats louder and faster). Yes, (reads names of boys) have earned their Tiger rank.  Would these great hunters of the pack, please come forward with their parents.

Continue with as many ranks and awards as you are presenting that night.  For each level the drums beat louder and faster.  If you have an Arrow of light Award -

(Drums build to a frenzy) My goodness. That could only mean that the highest of all trophies has been captured. The Webelos hunters have returned. Would these great hunters please come forward with their parents and receive the high honors to be bestowed only upon the greatest in the forest (reads names of boys).

(Drums beat in an unusual tempo). I can tell by the sound of the drums that all the awards have been given. The drums also are saying that next month more great hunters are expected to arrive at our council ring.

Indian Advancement Ceremony

Equipment: Tom-tom, artificial council fire

Set Up –         Turn out the lights and light the council fire.

            A tom-tom beats softly throughout the ceremony.

Cubmaster: As Chief of this pack, it is my duty to honor all braves, who with the help of their parents, are ready to become members of the Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos clans. All braves who have earned the right to join the Bobcat clan, rise and come sit by my left hand at the council fire. (Tiger candidates do so).

All braves who have earned the right to join the Wolf clan, rise and come sit by my right hand at the council fire. (Bear candidates do so).

Continue with as many ranks and awards as you are presenting that night. 

Parents of these braves, come stand behind your sons. (Parents do so).

The Cubmaster then moves to the first new Bobcat, whispers congratulations to him and gives the Bobcat badge to his parents to pin on the boy's uniform or Indian costume. And so on, until all boys have received their badges.

The Webelos den leaders may assist by presenting the activity awards to their den members.

Cubmaster: Let all members of our pack know that the following braves are now members of the Bobcat clan. (Announce names. Also announce names of other award recipients.)

May all these braves bring honor to themselves, their parents and our pack. Rise and return to your places.

For an artificial campfire – A Log Cabin campfire or teepee fire can be built and nailed to a plywood base, then lined with yellow, orange, and/or red cellophane. Use a small string of individual blinking Christmas lights underneath the cellophane to create a fire effect.

Legendary Advancement Ceremony

Heart of America Council

It is well known that Tigers are very powerful. They can leap ten feet in a single bound. Their roar can be heard a mile away. Would the following awesome Tigers and their partners please come forward? These Tigers have searched, discovered and shared.

Our legendary Wolves can be heard howling. Wolves are persistent hunters and social animals. Would the following Wolves and their parents please come forward? These wolves have demonstrated their hunting skills by completing the Cub Wolf trail.

Bears are famous for their might. They are also known for being cuddly. Our Bears are known for their sharp claws and skill at sharpening and taking care of knives. Just as bears in the wild forage for food, these Bears shared their cooking expertise with their den. Would the following Bears please come forward?

Webelos are mysterious creatures. They are legendary for their energy and enthusiasm for fire building. Our Webelos are no different. They have mastered the requirements for the Webelos badge. Would the following Webelos and their parents please come forward?

The Medicine Bag

Heart of America Council

Personnel: Cubmaster, Scouts, Akela (can be Cubmaster).

Equipment: Leather "medicine bag" and the following to be placed into the bag -corn, stone, feather, shell, badge of rank.

Setting: Cubmaster or Asst. Cubmaster calls the boy and his parents forward, then Akela is asked to come forth for

the ceremony.

AKELA: Call up boys receiving awards and their parents

(Boy’s name) is continuing (or beginning if for Bobcat) his journey through Cub Scouting.  Since you will have needs on your journey I give you this medicine bag.

I also give you maize, corn, so you will never know hunger on your many travels.

I give you a stone from the bed of the river as a reminder of Mother Earth. May you always find the lessons under

every rock and leaf.

I give you a feather so your spirit may fly free.

Here is a shell to remind you of sounds of the sea and the wind. May your ears be sharp so you may hear the voice of the Great Spirit.

Lastly, I give you the sign of the Bobcat (or whatever ranked earned). Know that even though no more is required of you before you may wear it, many will expect more from you as you grow in the Cub Scout program. Remember, as you go forth to always do your best. Wear this badge with pride as you advance along Cub Scouting's trail together with your friends and parents.

May the Spirit of Cub Scouting and the Light of Akela always be with you.

(This ceremony can be used for any rank. All Items are given to the parents who then give them to their son.)

Bobcat Den, Tiger trail, Wolf Valley,
Bear Ridge, and Webelos Peak

Heart of America Council

Props: Artificial campfire; Akela costume, tom-tom.

Setting: Fire is glowing. Akela stands behind the fire and is flanked by Awards Chairman and Assistant Cubmaster who beats tom-tom.

AKELA: Will all Cub Scouts in good standing with this tribe come forward and be seated around the council fire. It is time for us to take council.

(Cubs come forward and are seated)

Our Medicine Man (Awards Chairman) is here, so it is time for the council to begin.  (Tom-tom beats)

Mighty Medicine Man, you have signaled us that some of the braves in this tribe have traveled along the Trail of the Golden Arrow of Light far enough to earn them names of their hunting stations. Who are these braves?

AWARDS CHAIRMAN: (Reads names of boys to receive awards.)

AKELA: Mighty Warrior, how far along this trail did these braves travel?

AWARDS CHAIRMAN:  (Sample statements below – I am sure you can make up personal ones for you Cubs based on what your pack has done)

·         (Name) has just started his journey and passed the achievements test that lead him to the den of the Bobcat.

·         (Name) has traveled much completing his five Go See Its and completed the trail of the Tiger

·         (Name) has passed the 12 achievement tests to Wolf Valley also did a fine job of hunting for he earned a gold arrow.

·         (Name) after crossing Bear Ridge, hunted well to earn a gold arrow and a silver arrow.

·         (Name) and (Name) are working their way up Webelos Peak and have earned activity badges in ____ and ____.

AKELA: This is indeed a fine job of Scouting. Will these braves and their parents come forward and stand before the council fire so we can see these good hunters.

AWARDS CHAIRMAN: (To boys) Can you truthfully say you have followed the Cub Scout Promise and have done your best? (Each boy tells of one achievement or elective.)

AKELA: I am satisfied you have Done Your Best. This is indeed a proud moment for our tribe when we can

advance our young braves. It symbolizes sound cooperation.

An Arrow of Light Incentive Ceremony

National Capital Area Council

Sometimes it takes a little extra incentive to Webelos to get the Arrow of light.  This ceremony at a pack meeting may be appropriate for your unit.

Staging:  Lights dimmed, ceremonial fire (not lighted).  Cubmaster dressed as a Chief, one scouter as Indian drummer, one Scouter as Indian bowman, arrows for each Webelos Scout.  Chief and two Indians enter, tom-tom beating softly, slowly.

Indian Bowman:  (lights candle) This light is the light of Cub Scouting.  (Pretends to light campfire as it is turned on.)  May the Spirit of Scouting Light our ceremonial fire tonight.  Webleos, Leaders, come take your place at the ceremonial fire.

Chief:  (Takes a hunting arrow from Bowman, raises arrow in both hands over fire.)  Oh Great Spirit, this is Akela, the Chief of Pack_______ and the council of Webelos Leaders.  We present to you an arrow as a symbol of the Arrow of Light, a badge of honor, the highest Cub Scout award.  (Drives arrow point into the fire log.)

Indian Bowman:  Tonight we have several young braves that are well on the trail of adventure towards the Arrow of Light award.  All Webelos and their dads/parent come take your place beside your den leaders.

Chief:  Webelos, tonight we are presenting to you and your dad a symbolic arrow.  This arrow represents a goal, the Arrow of Light award.  This joint presentation means it requires effort for both of you.  As the challenges of Webelos becomes harder to overcome, let this Arrow and what it represent give you the strength and knowledge to overcome them and reach the goal of the Arrow of Light.  Dads into your custody we present your son’s arrow to be brought back as a symbol of accomplishment and part of our Arrow of Light ceremony in May.  (Bowman gives arrow to Webelos leaders and he in turn presents them to Dads.)  Now go back to your den and prepare for the challenges of tomorrow.


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