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Baloo's Bugle

October 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 14, Issue 3
November 2007 Theme

Theme: Indian Nations
Webelos: Craftsman & Readyman
Tiger Cub
Requirement 5


Advancement Ideas:

Tigers –        Ach 2F, 1G,
Elect. 7, 10, 14, 33, 47

Wolf-    Ach 11A,11C
Elect. 1D, 10B, 10E, 10F, 11C

Bear Ach 3B, 15C, 16B, 17D
Elect. 9B, 24A, 24B, 24C

Advancement Ideas

Alice, Golden Empire Council

Boys at all rank levels could work on the Communication Belt Loop. Native Americans had many ways to communicate – explore storytelling, music, codes and sign language as ways to communicate. The Leave No Trace Award is another way to honor Native American tradition to “walk lightly on the land.”

Tiger Cub Achievements:

ü  Ach. #1G – visit a museum to learn about Native Americans in your area, or invite a Native American to visit your den or pack;  Ach. #2F – Use a map to see where Native Americans live and lived in your area; Ach. #4F – practice listening to others and take turns talking; complete Respect Character Connection; Ach. #5D- leaf rubbings;

Tiger Cub Electives:

ü  Elective #3 – try an American Indian board game;

ü  Elec. #6 – Learn a simple American Indian song;  

ü  Elec. #7 – make a drum or rattles to play along, as American Indians do;

ü  Elec. #10, #11 – participate in a local food drive or give service in some way (See “Give a Hundred” under Pack & Den Activities);

ü  Elec. #14 – read a book about Native Americans; 

ü  Elec. #17 – if you make a model of a Native American house; 

ü  Elec. #21 – make an animal puppet to tell a Native American story; 

ü  Elec. #33 – if you have a litter clean up; 

ü  Elec. #47 – re-use or re-cycle something – show respect for the land as Native Americans did.  


Wolf Achievements:

ü  Ach. #1 – be creative and do these physical feats as if you were a Native American-“walk along the fallen log” for 1b, or “roll under a bush”- 1c, etc; 

ü  Ach. #7 a, d – Respect, care for the planet; 

ü  Ach. #10c – visit a museum to learn about Native Americans; 

Wolf Electives:

ü  Elec. #1d – Native American sign language; 

ü  Elec. #2 – if you put on a skit about Native Americans, or tell a story from their culture; 

ü  Elec. #4f – choose a Native American game;  Elec. #6b – choose a book about Native Americans;

ü  Elec. #10 – American Indian Lore; 

ü  Elec. #11e – choose an American Indian grace – one example, pg. 10, Program Helps; 

ü  Elec. #11f – learn and sing a Native American song;  

ü  Elec #22a – Learn to say hello in Indian sign language or try to pronounce an Indian word for hello

Bear Achievements:

ü  Ach. #3a – if you choose to write about Native Americans and their impact on making America special; 

ü  Ach. #3d – if you visit a local museum or living history site to learn about Native Americans in your area; 

ü  Ach. #6a, 6g – show the same respect for the land that the Indians did by clearing away litter and preventing it through recycling; 

ü  Ach. #8e – see if there is Native American history in your area and learn about it; 

ü  #8f – start your own history – you could make a “buffalo skin” history or important events in your life;

ü  #8g – Respect – a quality Native Americans admired; 

ü  Ach. #10a – visit a park or museum where you can learn about Native Americans; 

ü  Ach. #15b, c – play Native American games; 

ü  Ach. #16 – some of these skill games were done in Native American tribal groups; 

ü  Ach. 17d – research and share information about Indian customs; 

ü  Ach. #19 – learn knife safety and carve a totem, Inuit game piece, animal fetish or animal sacred to Native Americans out of  Ivory Soap; 

Bear Electives:

ü  Elec. #8a – make a rattle or Indian drum to use in playing a game, accompanying a Native American song, or as part of a skit; 

ü  Elec. #9a – make a Native American craft such as beading, pottery, sand painting;

ü  #9b – visit a museum and note the art made by Native Americans; 

ü  Elec. #10b – make an animal mask to use in telling a Native American story; 

ü  Elec. #22b – mount scout badges on a “buffalo or animal skin” as shown on pg.269 to display at Pack Meeting;

ü  Elec. #24 – American Indian Life


Webelos Activity Pins:  

Assigned activity badges are Craftsman (try making some of the Native American tools, clothing and objects out of leather, clay and rope) and Readyman.  Also, under Athlete, the Dual Contests are very similar to Native American contests.  Leave No Trace and Conservation Projects under Outdoorsman also fit the theme.

Ideas for Pack Activities:

Baltimore Area Council

ü  Make a feathered headband as a gathering activity (use turkey feathers)

ü  March in a Veteran’s Day Parade

ü  Collect canned food for local food bank

ü  Invite a Veteran to speak at your Pack meeting

ü  Have a Thanksgiving feast outdoors like the Pilgrims

ü  Invite an Order of the Arrow group to demonstrate an American Indian dance

Ideas for Den Activities:

Baltimore Area Council

ü  Learn about American Indian tribes that lived near you

ü  Make Thanksgiving Decorations

ü  Make cards for a local Nursing Home

ü  Invite a local politician to talk to your Den

ü  Invite a veteran to visit your Den

Alice, Golden Empire Council

·         Have a “Pow-Wow” or gathering of tribes for your Pack Meeting.  Perhaps each boy, family or den could choose a particular tribe – learn about their customs and crafts and make a display of what you have learned; make or wear a costume that represents that tribal group; perhaps they could make and share a food, such as Indian Fry Bread, for the refreshments.

·         Have each den or family learn a traditional dance from a tribe of their choosing – go to and scroll down to games or dances – you could even learn the music that goes with the performance (they’ve included actual scores of the music)

·         Have a display of crafts made by the boys during the month – based on traditional crafts such as beading, pottery, basketry, sand painting, kachina dolls or leatherwork

·         Encourage each boy or family to create their own Native American prayer – Indian prayers often referred to nature in some way.  And while they seem poetic, they didn’t actually rhyme, so they are little easier for boys to create.  Here’s an example from the Tewa tribe of New Mexico:

“Weave us clothing of great brightness,

That we may walk where birds sing and grass grows green,

Oh, our mother the earth – Oh, our father the sky.”

First, have the boys decide on which thing in nature they want to write their poem about. 

Then have them list qualities – colors, size, texture, purpose or how they affect humans –

Now they can just tell you what they notice about their part of the natural world – a parent or leader can help write down what they say – or boys can use the computer to write phrases describing what they see and feel.

·         Let each boy choose a name for himself, as many American Indians do even today.  Have them think about their physical characteristics (hair color, etc.), a book or character that they admire, a particular interest (such as “He who collects Rocks”) or a skill that he has, such as art or music (“Tames Wild Horses” is a name given to a Hopi boy who won several blue ribbons for his skill in riding and training horses)

·         Have a display of Native American homes – each boy or den could choose a particular kind of American Indian home to make a model of – see the “Tribe by Tribe” list in this packet for ideas

·         Check with your local Order of the Arrow – they often have a tipi made of canvas, with lodge poles and traditional construction. They might be willing to put it up – sitting inside a tipi is unlike any other kind of dwelling – they look small from the outside, but once the boys are seated around the center, they will have a very special feeling – and find that the space is much more than it looks.

·         The Order of the Arrow also often has dance teams – invite them to perform for your pack meeting.

·         Check with local colleges and universities to see if they have a club for American Indians or an International Students Club – they might have a speaker who can come and share insights about Tribal customs.  Another great resource is state and national parks – if there is a history of American Indian Nations in your area, they often have rangers or volunteers, sometimes American Indians themselves, who lead various American Indian activities. Almost every part of the United States was inhabited or used by American Indians – so learn about the groups that lived and still live in your area!

·         Tell the story of Squanto – and share other regional stories of how American Indians and local settlers interacted.  The first pilgrims would not have survived without the help of Squanto – find out how he was able to speak to  them in English – see the story in Baloo.

·         Since storytelling was an important part of American Indian customs, check out the Apples 4 the Teacher website for a list of many stories.  Each den could choose a story to act out as part of the Pack Meeting.

·         In honor of the Native American tradition of caring for the land, have a den or pack clean-up;  pick up litter in a nearby park, at your chartered organization site, etc.

·         In honor of  the one hundred years of Scouting we celebrate this year, make an individual, den or pack challenge to “Give a Hundred!”  You could do 100 hours of service throughout the year, work on 100 service projects, give 100 pencils, cans of food – choose a project that appeals to you.  Within your den, ten boys working together giving 10 hours of service each equals 100!  Let the community see Scouting in Action!


Indian Talking Stick

National Capital Area Council

You need:

Stick (measuring 1/2" x 24")


Fur Scrap

2 Jingle Bells

12" Suede Cord

4 Pony Beads

2 Feathers

Tacky Glue



ü  Cut a piece of fur 1" x 2". 

ü  Wrap it around the end of the stick.

ü  Use tacky glue to secure it. 

ü  Spread a little glue at the end near fur. 

ü  Wrap yarn tightly around stick adding more glue as needed. 

ü  Cover about 5" of the stick changing the color if desired.

ü  Tie suede lace near the bottom of the yarn wrap. 

ü  Thread the lace through the bells and knot again. 

ü  String 2 pony beads onto each end. 

ü  Tie off and trim. 

ü  Slip feather ends up through beads with a little glue to secure.

Talking Stick Legend

National Capital Area Council

Whoever holds the talking stick, has within his hands the sacred power of words.  Only he can speak while he holds the stick; the others must remain silent.  The feather tied to the talking stick gives him the courage and wisdom to speak truthfully and wisely.  The rabbit fur on the end of the stick reminds him that his words must come from his heart and that they must be soft and warm.  The speaker should not forget that he carries within himself a sacred spark of the Great Spirit, and therefore he is also sacred. If he feels he cannot honor the talking stick with his words, he should refrain from speaking so he will not dishonor himself.  When he is again in control of his words, the stick will be returned to him.


Baltimore Area Council


ü  Cut both ends from the tin can.

ü  Cut two circles of rawhide or canvas about 4 inches larger in diameter than the can. This will leave a 2-inch border for lacing.

ü  Punch holes about ¾ inch from edge all around the rawhide circles.

ü  Lace top and bottom to drum with leather or plastic lacing. Stretch tight.

ü  Paint drum, with Indian symbols.

ü  Make a drumstick by covering a wad of cotton with a piece of rawhide and binding it to a stick or dowel with a sturdy string.

Indian Arm Bands

Baltimore Area Council



Two 6 ounce tuna or cat food cans

Brass paper fasteners

Turquoise enamel


ü  Remove top and bottom of cans.

ü  Cut on the seam.

ü  Fold over the ends and hammer flat.

ü  File off any rough edges.

ü  Decorate with turquoise stones (heads of brass paper fasteners which have been dipped in enamel

Indian Bracelet

Baltimore Area Council


Foil pie pan;

knitting needle,

blunt pencil or dry ball point pen;



ü  Cut bracelet shape from pie pan with scissors.

ü  Use a knitting needle or blunt point of a pencil to trace over design, bearing down so it will be transferred to foil.

ü  File rough edges with sandpaper.

ü  Add a turquoise modeling dough stone in center of bracelet, if desired.

ü  Bend bracelet to fit wrist.

Dream Catcher

Baltimore Area Council

Dreams are messages from sacred spirits according to legend. The Dream Catcher represents the web of life and its job is to sift the dreams of those sleeping nearby. The hole in the center of the web allows the good dreams through, while the bad dreams are caught in the web and disappear in the morning sun. Dream Catchers are believed to bless the sleeping one with pleasant dreams, good luck and harmony throughout their lives.




Materials Needed:

One 3-inch ring,

one 6-foot piece of suede lacing,

2 yards of artificial sinew (or waxed linen or dental floss),

1 piece of acrylic wool (optional),

6 feathers (optional adornment),

1 charm (optional adornment),

4 beads (optional adornment),

scissors, ruler, string, clothespin, Glue (hot glue gun not recommended)


ü  Glue one end of the suede lacing to the ring.

ü  Use a clothespin to hold it in place until dry.

ü  Wrap the lacing around the ring to the starting point, being careful not twist the lacing.

ü  Cut off excess lacing and glue the end to the ring, holding it in place with a clothespin until dry.

ü  To make the web, tie one end of the sinew to the ring using a square knot.

ü  Next, tie approximately 9 half-hitch knots around the ring, spacing them about 1-inch apart.

ü  To begin the next row of the web, begin tying half-hitches in the middle of the sinew already attached to the ring.

ü  Continue tying half-hitches in the same way until the opening in the center is the desired size.

ü  To end the web, tie a square knot in the sinew, then cut off the excess.

ü  Use extra suede lacing to make a loop to hang the dream catcher.

ü  Decorate with acrylic wool, feathers, charm, and beads as desired.

Teepee Piggy Bank

Baltimore Area Council



Heavy cardboard,

1 gal or larger bleach bottle,

paint, glue



ü  Cut top half of bleach bottle off and discard bottom.

ü  Cut circle of cardboard to fit bottom and glue on.

ü  Paint as a teepee.

ü  Remove lid and clue three sticks in the hole.

ü  Cut a slot in the back for money.

ü  The handle on bottle is a handle for the bank.

ü  Decorate.

Clip Board Neckerchief Slide


Here’s a slide from Norm that makes you really look prepared.  Norm says he always gets comments when he wears this one.  CD


Hunt #1 clip or equivalent

2” wide by 3” high 1/8” thick piece of Masonite

Leather strap for loop

2” by 3” Post-It Pad



ü  Cut Masonite to 2” by 3” and drill holes as shown


ü  Cut leather strap as shown


ü  Attache strap to board with 3/8” pop rivets with back up washers or 1/8” by ½” split rivets.

ü  Cut Post-It Note pad to 2” by 3”

ü  Clip onto front of boards



Tom-Tom Slide

Heart of America Council



(Note: Chamois is a light weight leather that can be found in the car washing supplies at any store)

• Heavy cardboard ring 5/8’ high, 2 1/4’ diameter

• Piece of chamois

• Glue

• Paints


ü  Cut chamois large enough to cover cardboard ring, leaving ends long enough to tie in back.

ü  Put a bead of glue around one end of cardboard ring and press into center of chamois.

ü  Pull ends around and tie in back, trimming ends.

ü  Glue edges of chamois down around outside of cardboard ring.

ü  Paint Indian designs on front. Or wood burn designs in.

Indian Walnut tie Slide

Heart of America Council



Walnut shell half,

colored paper,

plaster of Paris,

café curtain ring,

permanent marker,

dark color, yarn.


Fill the shell with plaster of Paris and set the curtain ring.

Let dry.

Attach yarn for hair.

Cut out paper feathers.

Glue them from behind.

Draw a face with permanent marker



Heart of America Council

Many Native American tribes made tepees (tepee is sometimes spelled tipi or teepee) from long tree limbs and animal hides. You can make a wonderful model tepee using a brown paper grocery bag and twigs. This is a simple, inexpensive craft and one that looks quite good!

Supplies needed:

4 straight twigs (about a foot long each)

Yarn, twine, or a rubber band

A large, brown paper grocery bag


A pencil

Crayons, tempera paint, or markers



ü  Bind the twigs together toward the top using yarn, string, or a rubber band.

ü  Leave about 3 inches of twig at one side of the string. Do not bind the twigs too tightly.

ü  Gently adjust the twigs so that they form a tepee shape.

ü  Holding the tepee above a piece of scrap paper, trace the outline of one side of the tepee. This will be your template for making the tepee.

ü  Cut out your triangular template.

ü  Open up a large paper bag along its seams.

ü  Lay your triangle template on the opened bag and trace its outline.

ü  Trace the triangle 3 more times with the long edges touching.

ü  Cut out this large polygon along the outside edge.

ü  Cut a door on one edge.

ü  Decorate the tepee using crayons or markers.

ü  Fold the paper along each of the pencil lines.

ü  Then form the paper into a tepee shape and tape the edges together.

ü  Snip off the top of the tepee (the twigs will go through this hole).

ü  Put the twigs into the tepee.

ü  Tape the twigs into place - each twig is taped along a fold line.

ü  You now have a wonderful tepee!

Pocket Dream Catcher

Heart of America Council


Tacky glue

1 1/4 ” key ring (or plastic ring from soda bottle)

Assorted pony beads

Embroidery floss or yarn

Safety pin



Cut a 6” piece of yarn or floss.

Slip one end in the split of the ring to hold it in place.

Wrap the lacing around the metal ring.

Glue the end to the lacing where they meet.

Roll a 1 yard piece of yarn or floss loosely into a ball.

Knot one end of the yarn around the metal ring then seal the knot with glue.

Tie approximately four half hitches around the ring.

Pinch each completed knot as you begin the next.

Add a half hitch right next to the knot where you began.

Then begin tying half hitches in the middle pf the cord you have already added.

Double knot the cord in the center of the webbing

Then seal knot with glue.

Cut off excess cord.

Cut a 4” length of yarn.

Knot ends together and insert one end of loop through metal ring at the top.

Draw knot through loop and pull tight.

Add a pin.

Cut three 4” pieces of yarn.

Fold each piece in half and tie to ring bottom using a half hitch.

Lace pony bead through both ends and knot in place.

Cut off excess.


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