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Baloo's Bugle

July 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 12
August 2007 Theme

Theme: A Century of Scouting
Webelos: Naturalist & Forester
Tiger Cub


The Meaning of Time Skit
Three Fires Council

Props: Have large cards made up with one letter from the word "TIME" on each card. On the back is the saying that the boy reads at his sequence. The Cubmaster sums up the presentation with the closing statement.

  • "T" is for TREASURE. Once it is gone, it can't be brought back.
  • "I" is for all the INTERESTING and IMPORTANT things you accomplish with this treasure.
  • "M" is for MORE. We often wish there was more of this treasure available, in a day, for all our interesting and important things.
  • "E" is for EXACTLY. Exactly the same amount of this treasure is available in one day for everyone.

Cubmaster: T-I-M-E--Time is a very valuable thing. Use it wisely.


Time Machine Skit
Three Fires Council

Take a large cardboard box and decorate with knobs, dials and such. Use your imagination. The time machine can be set for anytime in the past or future. For U.S. Presidents, you could dial to a past  time period and "bring" out a past president (Cub Scout or Leader) to the audience for an interview.

You could have the audience play 20 questions to guess who the president is.

Be Prepared
Three Fires Council

 (Baden-Powell may not have ever seen this skit – but he would have approved.  His purpose in starting the program was to have boys ready for anything – to be prepared! – Alice)

Materials:  3 Cub Scouts, an air horn or something to make a lot of noise, and a 4th person to make the sound from the back of  the audience, unseen by them

Directions:  Don’t have this announced as a skit.  In fact, if it is done like a run-on, with other things between each of the Cub Scout’s appearances, it will really be effective!

First Cub walks in, makes the “quiet” sign and waits till everyone is quiet.  He then shouts “Be Prepared!” and walks off the stage.

Second Cub Scout comes in, does exactly as the first Cub Scout, then walks offstage. 

A third Cub Scout comes onstage, does exactly as the first two, then walks offstage. 

Finally all three Cubs walk out together, walk to the center, make the “quiet” sign once more, and wait for everyone to get quiet.  Then they lower their hands – and just then, from the back of the room comes the startling sound of the air horn, etc. 

The Cub Scouts then say in unison  “We TOLD you to BE PREPARED!”

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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