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Baloo's Bugle

July 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 12
August 2007 Theme

Theme: A Century of Scouting
Webelos: Naturalist & Forester
Tiger Cub


Commercial Closing Thought
Trapper’s Trail Council

You’ve heard the TV. commercial which says “You’re not growing older, you’re getting better”. That’s the way it is with Scouting. It’s getting better all the time. Scouting is improved and updated to keep pace with a changing world and to make it relevant to today’s boys. So even though some of may think that 100 sounds old, just remember: “Scouting isn’t getting older…It’s getting better.” Good night.

Closing: A Boy, His Father, And The Paper
Baltimore Area Council

Tonight, I would like to tell you a story about a boy, his father, and the paper. The boy’s father is sitting in his easy chair after a hard day’s work, with his feet propped up enjoying reading the evening newspaper.

The boy, whom we shall call Johnny, enters the room and asks his father, “Dad, let’s work on Cub Scout achievements. Let’s do the work in my book so I can get my award.” Dad says he is too tired and wants to read his paper.

Then Johnny leaves, but comes back later and asks his dad to play football or soccer with him. But his dad says he is too tired and wants to read his paper. At this point, dad spots a picture of the world on one page of the newspaper. He removes it from the paper and tears it into small pieces, making a puzzle, thinking this puzzle will keep Johnny busy for hours.

Johnny takes the paper pieces and goes to his room. Dad is very smug, thinking it will keep Johnny busy. However, in just a few minutes here comes Johnny. Dad is astounded to see Johnny has completed the puzzle. He says,

“Johnny, how did you put that puzzle together so quickly?”

Johnny says, “Dad, I noticed on the back side of those pieces of puzzle there is a picture of a boy. I found if I put the boy together right the world will also be all right.”

And that, my friends, is what we are here for tonight. Good night and good Scouting.

Regarding Boys Needs

Baden-Powell noted that the characteristics and needs of boys require careful molding:  “Boys should try to do everything to make themselves strong and healthy so as to become good, able-bodied citizens when they grow up…..I believe that if some form of scout training could be developed….it would be very popular and could do a great amount of good.  The results would not only sharpen the wits of the boy, but would also make him quick to read character and feelings, and thus help him to be a better sympathizer with his fellow man.”  (Baden-Powell quote)  Baden Powell founded Scouting because he saw boys who needed it – we can still answer their needs today as we serve in the Scouting program!

Ten Needs of a Boy
Mafeking Mail, Vol 3, No. 3, August 30, l900

  • To climb a mountain and look afar
  • To sit around an embered campfire with good friends.
  • To test his strength and his skill on his very own.
  • To be alone with his own thoughts and with his God.
  • To be able to reach out and find the hand of an understanding person ready and willing to help.
  • To have a code to live by – easily understood and fair.
  • A chance to play hard just for the fun of it – and to work hard for the thrill of it.
  • To have a chance to fail – and to know why.
  • To have and to be a good friend, and have a chance to prove both.
  • To have a hero – and a vision to measure him by.

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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