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Baloo's Bugle

July 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 12
August 2007 Theme

Theme: A Century of Scouting
Webelos: Naturalist & Forester
Tiger Cub


Trapper’s Trails Council

On the 1st of August, in 1907, Lord Baden-Powell took 22 boys with him to Brownsea Island, off England’s southern coast. This was the world’s first Scout camp. That little camp was the foundation of the tremendous world-wide Scouting movement. This game celebrates that beginning.

Equipment - Large map of the British Isles; paper streamers 3/4-inch wide by 60-inches long; 4 pairs scissors

Fasten the map on the wall and attach four streamers of different colors to the spot which indicates Amsterdam. Divide the guests into four teams, each of which selects a representative to go to Brownsea. Contestants receive scissors. At the signal, players cut their way through the center of the streamers toward their destination. The first to arrive scores 5 points for the team. Immediately a new streamer is attached and another team representative put in. Should a player tear the streamer or snip it off by mistake, he is eliminated and the team loses 5 points.


Snatch the Kerchief
Baltimore Area Council

This popular Scout game is also called “Steal the Bacon.” Divide den into two teams. Line them up on opposite sides of the room, and have them count off from right to left. Place a neckerchief in the center of the room. Call out a number, and the Cub Scout with that number on each team runs to the neckerchief and tries to grab it and tries to run back to his line without being tagged by his opponent. Score one point for his side if he makes it, one point for the other side if he is tagged before getting back to his side safely.

Shere Khan
Baltimore Area Council

Play outside or in a large room. Have goal lines on opposite ends of playing area. One of the players is Shere Khan, the tiger from Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book. He and all other players stand at one goal line. Shere Khan calls, “Who’s afraid of Shere Khan?” The other players shout, “No one!” and immediately race for the other goal. If Shere Khan tags one, he becomes a second tiger and joins in the next chase. Continue until all are caught.

Baltimore Area Council

Half the den is on each side of the “river” in which the Crocodile lurks. The Crocodile calls for one particular player to try to cross the river. That player then calls for another on the opposite side to try to change places with him. While the two run, the Crocodile tries to tag one. If he succeeds, the tagged player becomes the new Crocodile: the game continues.

Uniform Game
Baltimore Area Council

When preparing for a uniform inspection, have the Denner slip in with his uniform arranged in the following manner (or make up your own goofs) and let the Cub Scouts tell what is wrong.

  • Cap on Backwards
  • Campaign button on cap
  • Wearing a Den Chief cord
  • Service Star on Neckerchief
  • Neckerchief twisted into a roll
  • Neckerchief tied around the neck
  • Belt Buckle worn to one side
  • One sleeve rolled up
  • Shirt button unbuttoned
  • Pocket turned inside out

Great Salt Lake Council

Materials needed:

  • Paper bags—All bags must look alike. Each bag has inside a different smelling
  • article such as a chopped onion, rose-leaves, anise seed, violet powder, orange
  • peel and so on.


Put these paper bags in a row a couple of feet apart, and let each scout walk

down the line and have a five second sniff at each bag. At the end of the row, he has one minute

Scouting Straw Run
Great Salt Lake Council

Materials:  Scouting Logo printed on a paper square about 2-3” square for each boy, straw for each boy

Directions:  Give each boy a straw and one of the paper squares with the Scout logo – he has to hold the paper on the straw by sucking it on, then without touching the straw or paper, race from start to finish line.  If the paper drops, put the paper square back and continue.  A fast and fun game!

Shadow Pictures
Great Salt Lake Council

This was a great favorite of boys when Baden-Powell started Scouting – all you need is your hands, a light source (even a campfire will do), a blank wall (even a boulder or tent will do) and imagination.  Use your hands to form a shadow that looks like a wolf, an Indian, etc.

American indian shadow image

American indian shadow image

American indian shadow image

Thimble Finding
Great Salt Lake Council

 (This is another Baden-Powell game, in his words – bit  it will seem familiar to you- Alice)            The patrol (den)goes out of the room, leaving one behind who takes a thimble, ring, coin, bit of paper, or any small article, and places it where it is perfectly visible, but in a spot where it is not likely to be noticed. Then the patrol comes in and looks for It. When one of them sees it he should go and quietly sit down without indicating to the others where it is, and the others, if they see it, do the same.

After a fair time any one of those sitting down is told to point out the article to those who have not yet found it. The first one to see it and sit down is the winner, and he sends the others out again while he hides the thimble.

Lots of other Baden-Powell games at: index.htm 

Century of Scouting Round Robin
Utah National Parks Council

Materials: Space for five stations, and a picture to mark each station. See details.

Directions : 

  • Brownsea Island Station – Marked with a picture of Robert Baden-Powell.  Boy must run between a bucket of water to fill a soda bottle using only a cup, then runs to Chicago, the next station.
  • Chicago Station : Marked with a picture of William D. Boyce.  Have the boys make their way through the fog by crawling through the legs of four chairs covered with a tarp.
  • Mt. Beard, Alaska : Marked with a picture of Daniel Carter Beard, the mountain man.  Have the boys put a ball on a 3 foot long board and carry it to a basket while touching only the board.  Then move on to Akela’s teepee.
  • Akela’s Teepee : Marked with a picture of Ernest Thompson Seton.  While holding a 30 inch length of string attached to an 18 inch stick, drop the stick so one end bounces on the floor and the other end is then guided into a quart-size bottle.(It works fine – sometimes)
  • Century of Scouting : Marked with a Scout emblem.  Each boy takes an object such as a ball, bean-bag, etc., and hops ten feet to the end of a goal line and drops the object in another container.

Each participant can be timed as they go through.   To make the end more fun, let them choose one path of three to search out a treasure chest of prizes.  Have a leader at each location, where boys can choose a small treat.  (Sounds like a lot of fun – maybe they would even be satisfied without the final treat-Alice)

Cub Scout Claim the Square Game
Utah National Parks Council

When you need to keep boys busy while you complete something, give them a pencil and this game. They take turns drawing a line between two dots. Each time they complete a square, they get to fill it with their initial.  Winner is the boy with the most boxes to his credit.  Boys love this game!

Bowling On The Green

Southern New Jersey Council

Play this game on a smooth, close-cut lawn. Croquet balls or wooden balls made especially for this game may be used. Each player has two of these balls, called "bowls." A smaller ball is called the "jack." The first player bowls the jack out on the lawn and the bowls are bowled at it in turn. The jack and the bowls may be moved by being hit in play. A bowl touching the jack scores three points. The nearest bowl to the jack scores one point. If two bowls bowled by the same player are nearest the jack, two points are scored.

Bucket Relay
Southern New Jersey Council

Equipment: Per Den/Patrol: 1 bucket half-filled with water; 1 empty bucket.

On 'Go', the first player runs to the other end of the playing area where the buckets have been placed, pours the water into the other bucket, leaves the empty bucket there, and carries the full bucket to the next player in line.

The second player takes the bucket with water down to the other end of the playing area and empties it into the empty bucket. He then picks up the full bucket and carries it back.

The relay is finished when all have had a turn. The winner is the team with their water intact.

Swim Chase
Southern New Jersey Council

Type: Water game

The object is to get possession of a spring-type clothes peg which each Cub has attached to the back of his togs. As he loses his peg he may get another and continue rather than be out.

Water Race
Southern New Jersey Council

A bucket of water, a table spoon, and a plastic drinking cup

Form the players into teams (number and size of teams depends on number of players available). players form parallel lines. Lead player of each line has a bucket of water next to him and a table spoon in his hand. At some distance (10 - 30 meters) from each line is a drinking cup sitting on the ground. Lead player gets a spoonful of water and quickly takes (walk or run) the water to the cup and dumps it in. He then RUNS back to his line and hands the spoon to the next player in the line who is now the lead player. The former lead player goes to the end of the line. The whole process is repeated until one team fills it's cup to overflowing.

Water Balloon Toss
Southern New Jersey Council

An endless supply of balloons one-quarter filled with Water.

Players form two lines facing each other about 2 meters apart. Players in line 1 each toss a water balloon to opposite players in line 2. Any players who have a balloon burst are out. After each balloon bursts, a new balloon is brought into play, both lines take one step backward and toss again. Repeat until only one pair of players remain. There are on the market very tiny balloons known as water bombs. If you are going to use vast quantities, then these may be more economical to buy than regular balloons.


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