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Baloo's Bugle

July 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 12
August 2007 Theme

Theme: A Century of Scouting
Webelos: Naturalist & Forester
Tiger Cub


Leader Recruitment

A quality program will help you retain your members, but you will always lose some to competing interests, transfers due to family moves, and cross-over to Boy Scouts.  Successful Packs have strong year-round recruitment programs.

Set goals - 

How big do you want to be?

Pack meeting facilities

Small dens

Dens too large for one group, but too small for two

"Ideal" Pack is 60-80 boys (permits individual recognition)

Consider leader recruitment needs

School Night is generally where you will get most sign-u[s.  Can make extra effort to target ages you Pack needs.  Visit classrooms/assemblies.  More energy invested almost always equals more boys.

Go where the boys are - baseball, soccer, football, parks - hand out leaflets, place posters, set out information table, talk to boys and parents.

"Bring a friend night", Recruiter awards

Prepare and have available a "Parent Information Sheet" for you Pack.  Identify your sponsor, key leaders (with phone numbers), membership fees, policies, etc.  Include description of Cub Scout program, objectives, and "jargon".

Leader Recruitment - Most adults are involved because their sons are.  It is inevitable that when their son graduates from the Pack, the leaders will too.  Leader recruitment is a continuous effort.  Develop one or more assistants.  Ideally a trained assistant can step in when a leader is lost.  Don't limit recruitment to parents of boys in the Pack.  Many times a former leader, grandparent, relative, or member of the National Eagle Scout Association is willing to help.  Recruit for one year at a time - it gives people a chance to get out gracefully when the year is up and permits the Cubmaster/Pack Committee to release a leader who is not performing satisfactorily without embarrassment.  Don't force decisions under pressure, allow some time to think it over.  A leader who joins under pressure may not do a good job.

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