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Baloo's Bugle

July 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 12
August 2007 Theme

Theme: A Century of Scouting
Webelos: Naturalist & Forester
Tiger Cub


Trapper’s Trail Council

There once was a man who had a vision. A vision that there could be a organization that was for boys. It was not that there was nothing for boys to do, but that without boys having a purpose and a goal to accomplish, they often got into a little to much mischief. The man took a few boys off the streets of London, gave them a little direction, told them that they could if only they would, and then let them do it themselves. A lot of people said it could not be done, but to their surprise, the boys accomplished what they set out to do. Such was the birth of Boy Scouts. The vision of a man that thought boys could do!

The man’s was called Lord Baden Powell, and he was the father of the boy scouts. Will you join with me in the Cub Scout Promise as we pledge to do our best.

A Cub Scout Pocket - Opening Ceremony
Santa Clara County Council

A piece of tag board is cut in the shape of a pocket and covered with blue felt, including a pocket flap and button. The badges which are attached are available at the Scout office (#4648 ), or could easily be made out of cardboard.

They are attached with masking tape. The arrows are made of cardboard and covered with gold and gray felt.

This is a pocket - a very plain pocket - not very interesting, and it could belong to anyone. But wait, let's give this pocket to a Cub Scout.

(Cub Scout places Bobcat badge on pocket. ) Right away, our pocket is turning into something with meaning. It represents a sense of belonging and will soon bring our Cub Scout knowledge, skill, enjoyment and good fellowship.

(Cub Scout places Wolf & arrows on pocket. ) Before too long our pocket turns into something more special. It proudly displays the first symbol of new-found knowledge of the flag, of keeping strong, of tools, of knots, of safety, of books and reading. It means our Cub Scout has mastered feats of skill and has shown his willingness to help in his home and take part in family fun.

(Cub Scout places Bear & Arrows on pocket. ) Our pocket now has increased its meaning even more. It shows our Cub Scout is completing increasingly difficult achievements which show he is growing in knowledge and skill.

(Cub Scout places Webelos and Arrow of light on pocket. ) Our pocket is very special now. It is very rich in new possibilities. It opens up a whole new world of Challenges.

Cub Scouting has taken our plain pocket and turned it into a pocketful of adventure, fun and excitement.

Always Do Your Best
Santa Clara County Council

Prepare four cue cards, one for each Scout, with the following text on the back and  the key word in large letters on the front. After reading each card, the Scout should hold his card up for everyone to see the key word.

Cub Scout #1: Key Word- "Always"

When training a pet, a good Scout remembers to feed him and take care of him - Always [holds up his card].

Cub Scout #2: Key Word - "Do"

Pets need company and someone to play with. Left alone, a pet becomes lonely and can become mean. Playing and spending time with a pet is the right thing to Do [holds up second card].

Cub Scout #3: Key Word - "Your"

When you have trained a pet, he learns to behave and to follow your instructions. When a pet does what you want him to do, you know that he is Yours [holds up third card].

Cub Scout #4: Key Word -"Best"

Pets often learn to greet you when you get home from school. Knowing that a pet likes to be with you is the Best [holds up last card].

Flag Opening
Great Salt Lake Council

Needed: Flag, 3 candles (red, white, blue), narrator and three Scouts. (Be sure to check your meeting place's fire codes before doing this, or use electric candles.) [This could be done for a Summer outside meeting. SJ]

Have you noticed the strong bond between our flag and our promise? Let me show you.

(Scout lights white candle) One of the colors of the flag is white. It is the symbol of purity and perfection. It is like the first part of our Cub Scout Promise, Our Duty to God.

(Scout lights red candle) The color red in our flag means sacrifice and courage, the qualities of the founders of our country. Red is the symbol of the second part of the Scout Promise. Our duty to other people requires courage to help anyone in trouble and the self-sacrifice of putting others


(Scout lights blue candle) Blue is the color of faith. It represents the Law of the Pack, which we faithfully follow. We do our best to grow and learn while helping others.

Let us rise and dedicate ourselves with our Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

What’s Behind the Door?

Room is darkened and a closed door is spotlighted. You will need one uniformed Cub Scout

Cubmaster:  This is the doorway to adventure.  Behind it are many new and exciting things: friends, hikes, contests, awards, camping, cooking, skills.

It’s a small door – you might wonder how we can get so much behind it.  It’s easy!

(With great drama, CM opens the door to reveal a uniformed Cub Scout, with a pack flag if possible)  Behind this door is Cub Scouting!!

Cub Scouting is Many Things
1997 WLACC PowWow Book

(Each of 12 Cub Scouts holds a candle (real or battery) which is lighted as he gives his message. Lights are turned off. Note from Alice: This could be adapted to use for a closing or a den presentation.  You could also do this using pictures that relate to what the boys say – maybe Rockwell paintings- then the “script” could be in large letters on the back – or adapt to a den or smaller number of boys by choosing just certain points to focus on )

  • Cub Scouting is a Boy. He is somewhere between 6 and 11 years old. He is just an average boy -- energetic, inquisitive, noisy and eager to explore the world around him
  • Cub Scouting is Parents who love this boy -- and care about him. They want him to grow up to be a well-rounded individual who can live and work in an atmosphere of harmony and cooperation.
  • Cub Scouting is a Den Leader who opens a home and their heart to this boy and 5, 6 or 7 others just like him so they may learn to do things in a group rather than individually and learn to share the limelight with the others.
  • Cub Scouting is a Den Chief -- a Boy Scout or Explorer who works into his busy schedule a time for the younger boy so he may encourage him to stay on the Scouting trail for many years.
  • Cub Scouting is aCubmaster who gives of his spare time, and some times much more, to provide a program that will bring Cub Scouting to this boy.
  • Cub Scouting is a Nationwide Organization, a little brother program to Boy Scouting, provided by the Boy Scouts of America for the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 year old.
  • Cub Scouting is a Committee made up of interested parents who back up the Cubmaster and who serve willingly to carry out Pack goals.
  • Cub Scouting is Fun for the boy, his parents and his leaders.
  • Cub Scouting is Fellowship with the boy in your class at school, your neighbor, and other people you might never meet except through Cub Scouting.
  • Cub Scouting is a Challengeto all who become involved -- a challenge to live up to high ideals, bring forth creative ideas, and express yourself well. It is also a challenge to learn to accept the ideas of others who may not agree with you and learn to compromise and work out differences.
  • Cub Scouting is Achieving by boys and parents as they work together on advancement in the boys’ book. Leaders achieve as they carry out the Den and Pack programs successfully.
  • Cub Scouting is Citizenship -- teaching the young boy respect for God and country. He learns his moral obligation to himself and his fellow man.
  • Cubmaster:  As you can see Cub Scouting is many things -- each one important!  We demonstrate what we learn in how we live.  Let us now demonstrate citizenship by honoring our flag.  (Flag Ceremony)

Spirit of Baden-Powell
Utah National Parks Council

Characters:  Seven uniformed Cubs, carrying props as described. Narrator is in Scout uniform, wearing a campaign hat.

Setting:  Narrator stands in front.  Cubs enter one at a time and speak their lines.

Narrator   I represent the spirit of Lord Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of  Scouting.  I am also the spirit of Scouting past and present. Here is our future….the Cub Scouts of today, the men of tomorrow.

  •  (carrying a replica of a church, or scriptures)  Many Cub Scout packs in the United States are chartered by religious organization. 
  •  (Points to Scout colors) The two colors of the Cub Scout uniform have special meaning.  The Blue stands for truth and loyalty.  The gold represents good cheer and happiness.
  •  (carrying a Wolf handbook and Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book)When Cub Scouting began in England, it was based on Kipling’s jungle tales.  When Cub Scouting began in the United States in 1930, Native American themes were used.
  •  (Enters carrying a woodcraft project) Scouting means fun, and we have lots of that!  I like making things that are useful or that fit our monthly theme.
  •  (carrying a hiking stick) Cub Scout outdoor activities are fun.  I like to go on hikes.  We learn about things that live and grow in our area, and how we can respect nature and wildlife.
  •  (enters carrying a tin can stove)  I like to cook outdoors.  All Cub Scouts like to eat!  This is a cook stove we can make as a den project.
  • Cub #7:  (carrying a U.S. Flag)  I am proud to be an American – and to honor our country’s flag.  Our pack flag also reminds me that I’m part of a long-standing Cub Scout tradition.

Narrator  I represent the past and present, but these boys – the future of our country – show that things will be in good hands.  Will you please stand and join me in the Pledge of Allegiance?

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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