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Baloo's Bugle

July 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 12
August 2007 Theme

Theme: A Century of Scouting
Webelos: Naturalist & Forester
Tiger Cub


Great Salt Lake Council


  • 1 c. sugar
  • 3 tbsp. cornstarch
  • Dash of salt
  • 1/2 c. water
  • 2/3 c. honey

Mix dry ingredients. Add water and honey. Cook to hard ball stage. Pour into a buttered pan. Cool and pull until light in color.

Scout Monkey Bread
Baltimore Area Council

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  • 2 cans biscuits
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ¼ cup cinnamon
  • 4-6  oz. margarine (squeeze margarine works great)

Remove biscuits from can and cut into quarters. Spread one layer of biscuit pieces in bottom of round cake pan (8-10” pan). Spread one fourth of the margarine over the layer of biscuits and sprinkle with one fourth of the sugar and cinnamon. Repeat layers, spreading margarine, sugar and cinnamon on each layer. Bake in oven for 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes, or until browned.

Great Salt Lake Council


  • 1 cup flour
  • 2 cups grated cheese
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • Water

Mix the first 4 ingredients together and enough water to roll out like pie dough; roll thin, and cut with pizza wheel in long narrow strips. Bake at 400° 5-8 minutes or until lightly brown.

Great Salt Lake Council


  • Refrigerator biscuits
  • Flour (to flour surface)
  • Licorice string
  • Egg white

On a lightly floured surface roll out refrigerator biscuits to about an 1/8 inch thick. Cut dough into strips and shapes. Look at a picture of Lord Baden-Powell and on a lightly greased baking sheet press the shapes together to make his image. Use the licorice string to add features. Lightly brush with egg white. Bake

Great Salt Lake Council

You will need:

  • Heavy cream
  • A clean pint-sized jar with a top
  • A small strainer
  • Salt

Pour the cream into your jar until half full. Put the cover on your jar and make sure it is tight. Shake the jar! Keep shaking. After a while you will see the butter start to form. Shake until the lump of butter doesn't seem to be getting any bigger. Pour the mixture into your strainer, and pour out the liquid which is butter milk. Transfer your lump of butter into a bowl. Add salt to taste. You have butter!

Group Gorp

Materials:  large bowl or baggie, paper cup or small baggie for each boy

Directions: Ask each scout to bring 1 or 2 cups of one type of  snack food, such as raisins, M&M’s, peanuts (watch for allergies, though), dried fruit, etc..(You could even give them a list of suggestions and have everyone choose something)  At snack time, talk about how boring it is when everything is too much alike – even people.  Then bring out a big bowl and have each scout dump in their contribution while you compare the different ingredients to the variety of people, customs, activities, ways of doing things, whatever.
You could also talk about what Food Pyramid category each food would fit in, why it would be useful on a hike, etc. – Just work with your theme. Let the scouts mix up their gorp, then scoop up a cupful for each scout.  Another way I have seen this used is to chart or graph what’s in each individual’s cup or baggie.
And of course, this is the perfect thing to take on a hike, whether at camp or in the park.

Breakfast in a Bag

A favorite “magic” breakfast – take a paper lunch bag, put in 2 strips of bacon, a handful of frozen hash browns, 1 or 2 eggs, salt and pepper to taste.  Close the bag by folding the top 1/3 down, then fold that in half and in half again.  Poke thru the folded portion with a roasting stick like you would use for marshmallows.  Hold it 5 inches above hot coals with little flame for about 10 minutes, then check to see if it’s done.  A good tip is to prop the stick between another forked stick to hold it at the right position – boys will probably get tired of holding it.  It really does work – and the bag doesn’t burn up!

Bread on a Stick

Baden-Powell drew this sketch of a boy making Bread on a stick – and says “Bread can be made without any oven at all. Twist the dough around a stick and bake it over glowing embers.” – (Today, we still make Bread on a stick – and you can make it from scratch – but we often used canned biscuit or bread dough of some kind – still tastes pretty good! – Alice)


Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

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