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Baloo's Bugle

July 2007 Cub Scout Roundtable Issue

Volume 13, Issue 12
August 2007 Theme

Theme: A Century of Scouting
Webelos: Naturalist & Forester
Tiger Cub


Note on Word Searches, Word Games, Mazes and such – In order to make these items fit in the two column format of Baloo’s Bugle they are shrunk to a width of about 3 inches.  Your Cubs probably need bigger pictures.  You can get these by copying and pasting the picture from the Word version or clipping the picture in the Adobe (.pdf) version and then enlarging to page width.  CD

The Boy Scout Law

Baltimore Area Council

A Scout is         

TRUSTWORTHY                  LOYAL

HELPFUL                       FRIENDLY

COURTEOUS                          KIND

OBEDIENT                    CHEERFUL

THRIFTY                            BRAVE

CLEAN                         REVERENT

Can you find each of 12 points of the Boy Scout Law in the puzzle. They may be up, down, across, diagonal, or backwards. Circle each word as you find

Scout Anniversary Ice Breaker

Baltimore Area Council

Introduce yourself to other people- Ask them questions to see if they “fit” in any of the following categories. If so, get their signature in the space provided that they fulfill. Do Your Best!

  • Was a Cub Scout before 1960       
  • Has blue eyes     
  • Wearing something gold  
  • Wears glasses     
  • Earned the Arrow of Light award   
  • Earned the Lion rank       
  • Knows Cub Scout motto  
  • Has a son now in Cub Scouting    
  • Is an Eagle Scout            
  • Takes Boys’ Life magazine           
  • In Scouting more than 10 years     
  • In Scouting less than 6 months     
  • Has a birthday in August  
  • Born in a state bordering an ocean  
  • Attended a National Jamboree       
  • Has been to Cub Scout Day Camp
  • Has a gold watch            
  • Wearing blue stockings (or socks)  
  • Is or has been a Cubmaster           
  • Can give you the Cub Scout handshake      

Scouting is Fun

Unscramble each of the clue words. Take the letters that appear in boxes and unscramble them for the final message

from  click on Cub Scouts, then check out various areas, e.g  projects, skits, etc.

Who Said That?

This game is one that Baden-Powell used to help boys develop their power to observe and remember- just for fun, it’s quoted just as B.P. wrote it.  “Throughout the evening, and unknown to the others, one Scout should, in a handy notebook, jot down some twenty of the most striking remarks made in the general conversation. Towards the end of the evening he then slips away, and on each of twenty sheets of paper, put aside for the purpose, he writes one of the "sayings" in a bold hand. Blue or black crayon should be used for this, so that each sentence may be clearly seen when the sheets are fastened up. The sheets are numbered, pinned up together, and turned over one by one a sufficient time being allowed for competitors to write on slips of paper "Who Said That?" (You could adapt this by having an adult make a note of 10 or more things someone says during the gathering period.  Later in the evening,  read the phrases and see who can guess “Who Said That?  The winning person or team could have first chance at the refreshments – Alice)

             One Hundred Scouts

Furnish each family, table or den with 100 paper clips – they could be all one size or a variety, but each group should have the exact same number and type.  On signal, each team makes a length of paperclips, taking turns adding them.  Every paperclip must be used. Group that finishes first is the winner.

            One Hundred Countries

Have at least one large map of the world posted or give one to each group. Either as individuals, families or dens, find 100 countries where Scouting is organized. Write down the country name and see how many you find.  (for a list of the almost 200 countries where Scouting exists, go to

            Find Just One

For a quick variation of the game above, have a world map, give everyone a chance to find one country where they are sure there is no scouting program.  Then check against the list. It will prove to be harder than they think!

            When Did It Happen?

Use the Scout Facts under Theme Ideas, add in some dates from your local council or pack, then mix up some dates or a timeline on the wall along with things that happened.  Have a contest to see how much people know about When it Happened? in Cub Scouts. You could also have a Scouting Trivia game using facts.

Trapper’s Trails Council

Unscramble each of the clue words. Take the letters that appear in boxes and unscramble them for the final message.

What do you know about the following:
Great Salt Lake Council

  • Cub Scouting is _______________ years old this year.
  • Scouting is ______________ old this year.
  • __________________ is the founder of Scouting.
  • ____________________ started the Boy Scouts of America.
  • ________________ is the first rank in Cub Scouting.
  • ____________________achievements are required to earn the Wolf badge.
  • ___________________ electives are required to earn a Gold Arrow Point.
  • There are __________ Webelos pins that can be earned.
  • The ________________ _____ ______________ is the highest award you can earn in cub scouting.
  • We are in pack number __________________.
  • I or my child is in the ______________ Den.
  • _________________________ is our Cubmaster.
  • Our pack is in district ____________________.
  • We are in _____________________________ Council.
  • (for parents) The rank my son is working toward is ______________________.
  • The cub scout motto is ____________ ___________ _______________ .


Roman Numerals
Great Salt Lake Council

Roman numerals are often used in marking the anniversary of special events (i.e. the Olympics, The Super Bowl, etc.). Can you write the Roman numeral for our 100th birthday of Scouting?

Here are some helps if you need them.

The basic symbols are:

I= 1, V= 5, X= 10, L= 50, C= 100, D= 500, M= 1000.

And there are two rules to remember. Put a number of lesser value before one of greater value to decrease the amount of the second letter by the amount of the first.

Put a number of lesser value after one of greater value to increase the amount of the first letter by the amount of the second.

Here are some examples:

1= I                                   8= VIII

2= II                                    9= IX

3= III                                  10= X

4= IV                                40= XL

5= V                             94= XCIV

6= VI               1,770= MDCCLXX

7= VII               1,999= MCMXCIX

Now write the Roman numeral for 75:


For extra practice, write the Roman numerals for the following:

98:___________ 301:__________ 1,240:_________

47:___________ 532:__________ 2,945:_________

(Answers: 98:XCVIII 47:XLVII 301:CCCI 532:DXXXII 1,240:MCCXL 2,945:MMCMXLV)

Oh yes, remember – 100 = C

Materials found in Baloo's Bugle may be used by Scouters for Scouting activities provided that Baloo's Bugle and the original contributors are cited as the source of the material.

Scouts Using the Internet Cartoon - Courtesy of Richard Diesslin - Click to See More Cartoons
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