This Merit Badge
is Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank
These were the REQUIREMENTS before the REVISIONS
which were made on January 1, 2004
To see the current requirements
Click Here
- Develop a plan to teach a skill. Have your merit badge counselor
approve the plan. Make teaching aids. Carry out your plan. With
the counselor, check to see if the learner has learned .
- Choose a product or service. Build a sales plan based on
its good points. Try to "sell" the counselor on buying it from
you. Talk with the counselor about how well you did in telling
about the product or service and convincing the counselor to
buy it.
- Do the following:
- Show how you would make a telephone call inviting an
expert in the field of your choice to give a demonstration
to your unit on that person's area of expertise.
- Show how to create an effective recorded message and
how to leave a voice-mail message.
- Do the following:
- Write a 5-minute speech. Give it at a meeting of a group.
- Show how to introduce a guest speaker.
- Attend a town meeting where two or three points of view
are given. Listen and take notes. Make a report from your notes.
Tell your troop or patrol what you heard.
- Do ONE of the following:
- Write to the editor of a magazine or your local newspaper
to express your opinion or share information (on any subject
you choose). Or, write to an individual or organization
to request information (on any subject). Send your message
by fax or electronic mail, if possible. Otherwise, mail
a traditional paper letter.
- Create a page on the World Wide Web for yourself or
to give information about your Scout troop, school,or other
organization. Include at least one article and one photograph
or illustration.
- Use desktop publishing to produce a newsletter, brochure,
flier, or other printed material for your Scout troop, school,
chartered organization, or other group. Include at least
one article and one photograph or illustration.
- Prepare an autobiographical resume that you would use in
applying for a job.
- Check careers in the field of communications. Choose one
career and discuss with your counselor the qualifications and
preparation needed for it.
BSA Advancement ID#: 5
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1997
Requirements last revised in 1999