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Family Life Merit Badge PamphletFamily Life Merit Badge Pamphlet (Spanish) Family Life Merit Badge

Family Life

These were the requirements from 2019 until the revisions made in 2023

To see the CURRENT requirements, Click here.

To see the changes made in 2023, Click here

For the previous requirements, Click here

This Merit Badge
is Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank

  1. Prepare an outline on what a family is and discuss this with your merit badge counselor. Tell why families are important to individuals and to society. Discuss how the actions of one member can affect other members.
  2. List several reasons why you are important to your family and discuss this with your parents or guardians and with your merit badge counselor.
  3. Prepare a list of your regular home duties or chores (at least five) and do them for 90 days. Keep a record of how often you do each of them. Discuss with your counselor the effect your chores had on your family.
  4. With the approval of your parents or guardians and your merit badge counselor, decide on and carry out a project that you would do around the home that would benefit your family. Submit a report to your merit badge counselor outlining how the project benefited your family.
  5. Plan and carry out a project that involves the participation of your family. After completing the project, discuss the following with your merit badge counselor:
    1. The objective or goal of the project
    2. How individual members of your family participated
    3. The results of the project
  6. Do the following:
    1. Discuss with your merit badge counselor how to plan and carry out a family meeting.
    2. After this discussion, plan and carry out a family meeting* to include the following subjects:
      1. Avoiding substance abuse, including tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, all of which negatively affect your health and well-being
      2. Understanding the growing-up process and how the body changes, and making responsible decisions dealing with sex
      3. How your chores in requirement 3 contributed to your role in the family
      4. Personal and family finances
      5. A crisis situation within your family
      6. The effect of technology on your family
      7. Good etiquette and manners
    Discussion of each of these subjects will very likely carry over to more than one family meeting.
  7. Discuss with your counselor your understanding of what makes an effective parent and why, and your thoughts on the parent's role and responsibilities in the family.

*This conversation may take place with only one or both of your parents or guardians.

BSA Advancement ID#: 000
Scoutbook ID#: 000
Requirements last updated in: 0000
Pamphlet Publication Number: 00000
Pamphlet Stock (SKU) Number: 00000
E-Book Stock (SKU) Number: 000000
Pamphlet Copyright Date: 0000

Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
Word Format PDF Format

Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.

Page updated on: December 23, 2022

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