These were the REQUIREMENTS before the REVISIONS
which were made on January 1, 2004
To see the current requirements
Click Here
- Prepare a short written report or outline for your counselor,
giving a detailed description of your collection,* including
a short history.
*Stamp/Coin Collecting are excluded from this merit badge.
- Explain the growth and development of your collection.
- Demonstrate your knowledge of preserving and displaying
your collection.
- Explain the precautions that are needed to be taken
to preserve your collection, including
- Handling
- Cleaning
- Storage Note precautions for dampness, sun, or other
weather conditions.
- Explain how to best display your collection, keeping
in mind preserving as discussed above. Explain to your counselor
the events available for a hobbyist of this collection including
- Shows
- Seminars
- Conventions
- Contests
- Museums
- Demonstrate your knowledge of collecting and investing.
Discuss with your counselor:
- How investing and speculation would apply to your collection
- What you would look for in purchasing other collections
similar to yours
- What you would expect in return value in the event you
decided to sell all or part of the collection
- Do the following:
- Discuss with your counselor at least 10 terms commonly
used in your collection and be prepared to discuss the definition
of each.
- Display to your counselor two different sets of your
collection and a description of each area of the sets. (Note:
if your collection is too large to transport and your counselor
is unable to view your collection directly, photographs
should be available to explain and display.)
- Explain how your collection is valued by other collectors
and display to your counselor any price guides that may
be available.
- Explain how your collection is graded, including the
categories mentioned above for value, physical defects,
size and age. Show the various classifications used in your
- List the national, state, or local association responsive
to your collection.
- Show the location of and explain to your counselor the following:
- Identification number (if applicable)
- Series
- Brand name (if any)
- Any other special identification marks
- Discuss with your counselor how you became interested in
this collections and the plans you have to continue with the
collection in the future.
- Discuss with your counselor the career opportunities that
may be available involving your collection.
BSA Advancement ID#: 128
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1991
Requirements last updated in 1991